~ Chapter 9 ~

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I sighed in defeat "Come on. Lets go watch a movie or something." He nodded reluctantly and followed me into my large living room.

I took my place on my couch and grabbed the remote. Niall came and sat down next to me. He casually rested his arm behind my head and ever so slightly inched closer.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked, flipping through the movies on Netflix.

"Uh, I honestly don't mind." he shrugged.

"Alright. So I guess you wouldn't mind The Postman Pat Movie?" I smirked to myself looking up at my television screen.

"Anything but that." he laughed. We soon decided on 22 Jump Street. Throughout the movie I kept making small remarks on Channing Tatum.

"Channing is so hot." I mumbled my eyes never leaving the screen.

Niall scoffed, "Really Audrey?" he looked at me in disbelief.

"What?! He is. You just don't agree cause you're a dude. Look at his muscles." I pointed out. Niall flexed his own to show off.

"What about these?" He asked smirking. I rolled my eyes and shoved him.

Soon enough the movie ended we were both bored out of our minds, yet again. What a life we lead.

"Niall what should we do?" I asked laying on my stomach on the floor looking up from my phone. He answered from the couch

"I don't know." I scoffed looking up at him.

"Great answer. Thats solved all our problems hasn't it?" I sarcastically stated.

I suddenly gasped. "I have an idea." I yelled excitement lacing my voice. I yanked Niall up by his arm. He stumbled before steadying. "What?" he asked laughing.

"Let's play hide and seek!" I yelled. He raised an eyebrow before hesitating.

"Please Nialler?" I did my puppy dog eyes which I know he couldn't resist. He groaned and nodded.

"I'll count first." I raised my hand before closing both my eyes.

"1,2,...50,51...89,90...99,100! Ready or not here I come!" I yelled in the silent house.

I hopped into the kitchen and checked every cupboard just to find that he wasn't in there. I went through every other room on the first floor and didn't find him. I checked under the dining room table too, he wasn't there. I checked in the conservatory to find he wasn't there either. I made my way upstairs and started with the bathroom, he wasn't there. I stomped my way over to the guest room and checked the closet. I walked into it and checked under the rails and cupboards in there. I still couldn't find him. I checked the en suite he wasn't hiding there. Where was this boy? I made my way over to my bedroom and checked under my bed, my closet and my en suite too. Still nowhere to be found. I checked every other room remaining and still couldn't find him. I'm not a very patient person.

"Niall?! Where the hell are you?!" I screamed.

I was faced with silence. I groaned and walked back downstairs. I decided that I should go check the back garden. I was quite hesitant because it was so dark but I shook it off and walked out. I turned on my flash from my phone and searched everywhere. I still couldn't find him. I was getting really frustrated and maybe even a little bit worried?

"Niall seriously this isn't funny." I shakily said. Just as I was about to head back into the house I heard a branch snap. This quickly got my attention and I spun around. I scanned the whole place again. Nothing. Deciding to go back in I turned around and walked into something, or someone.

"Boo." Niall whispered lowly. I screamed and he started laughing. I shoved him in the chest.

"I was so worried. I checked everywhere. How could you do this to me?!" I quickly hugged him and he hugged back tightly holding onto me. I pulled back slightly and looked into his eyes that shone bright with the moon reflecting on them.

"I got so scared that something happened to you. I searched for ages." I whispered. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. Just as he did that it started to rain. When I mean rain it started chucking it down. I gasped

"Oh my god! We need to get back inside!" Karma apparently decided it wanted to make things worse by cutting off the electricity too somewhere in the distance I heard thunder rumbling. I screamed in frustration. The rain was getting worse by the minute. Niall grabbed my hand and he quickly ran inside the house, which was now pitch black.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now