~ Chapter 19 ~

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He chuckled coldly, "Is that it? Is that all you're going to do?" a red mark gradually made it's way onto his cheek. Harry, Cara and Ebony stood staring at who was going to speak up first. "You know I actually thought this might've worked. I hoped on the day I took you out that we'd be one of those couples that grew old together. I guess not. Good luck in life Audrey Edwards." he muttered walking away. Harry and Cara followed him, Harry turned around to give me a sympathetic smile.

"Ebony." I breathed out, "Please don't leave me. You're all I have." I sobbed.

"I'm never ever going to leave you doll. And don't think I've not noticed these," she traced over my wrists. "Audrey if you ever feel like doing this, call me. Wherever you are, whatever timezone you're in, call me. I'm always here to talk. I love you." she embraced me into a hug and I buried my head into her shoulder.

"Love you too." I mumbled.

"Let's get you home." She tugged on my hand and we both made our way to get car.

I noticed she took a different route than usual, and soon enough we were in front of her house. "I'd hate to be a burden-"

"Nonsense. My house your house. No difference." She smiled. I smiled slightly and made my way over to her living room. I heard Ebony shuffle around in her kitchen for a while before she returned with aspirin and a glass of water.

"Thank you." I rubbed my head and placed the pill in my mouth, downing it with the fresh cool water.

"What now?" She asked me.

I shrugged and sighed. "Honestly? I actually don't know. I want to somehow apologize to Cara first then Niall." she nodded and jogged upstairs returning with some sweats.

"You're a lifesaver man, you don't understand." I muttered. She chuckled and shimmied out of her clothing, as did I. I folded my dress up and placed it to the side. Ebony flopped down onto the couch and turned Spongebob on. I laughed out loud, for the first time in what seems hours.

A few long excruciating hours later I felt Ebony's head flop down on my shoulder, I looked over at her and saw her sleeping peacefully.

I slowly got up off the couch, resting her head down. I ran up stairs and grabbed a pillow and a blanket. I wrapped her in the blanket and laid her head down on the soft pillow, then made my way upstairs into a spare room.

I curled up in the bed and thought about all the recent events. I lost Niall. I lost Cara. I lost Harry. Zayn, Liam and Louis were probably not too fond of me at this point. I had lost people who meant the world to me. And I had to earn their trust. One way or another. I had to. Otherwise I'd never forgive myself.

*2 Days Later.*

"Ebony. Ebony. Love wake up." I shook her shoulder.

"Audrey? Hm what is it?" she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm leaving."

"What? Why?"

"Sorting things out." I muttered.

"At this time in the night? You're crazy." she flopped back down.

"Bye." I laughed and walked out the door.

"Tell me how it goes!" she yelled as I shut the door. I jogged over to her car and driver over to Cara's house. I fisted my hand, contemplating wether or not I should do this. I decided that it's now or never. I banged my hand against her door, and a couple of seconds later an exhausted looking Harry and Cara opened the door.

"What are you doing here man? It's 12 at night. You mad?" Cara rubbed her eyes.

"I came to talk?" I questioned myself.
She took a deep breath and opened the door wider. I followed her into her living room and I found my spot in her couch.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now