~ Chapter 26 ~

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I hopped off the plane and made my way inside the crowded airport. I looked around and rubbed my eyes, it was early. Too early. I attempted to control my feet and dragged them over to the baggage claim area. I spotted my suitcase almost immediately, thankful that it was one of the firsts.

'Where you at? x' Ebony texted me.

'Making my way over x'

Ebony and Niall had came back to England a couple of days before me so their sleeping patterns were probably the same as they were before.

Lucky shits.

I'm over here sleeping-walking. In an airport. At 4 in the morning. Yeah feel sorry for me. I do.

I grabbed my suitcase off of the belt. I placed my handbag on top of my suitcase and rolled it out, the cold British weather hitting my face. Oh it's good to be home.

I noticed Ebony's car and made my way over to her, teeth chattering in the process. She quickly skipped over to me and embraced me into a hug.

"Missed you girl."

"Missed you too Eb. Know what else I miss most?"


"No. Sleep." she chuckled at my grumpiness and hauled my suitcase into her boot. I made my way over to the passenger seat and shut the door quickly, melting into the warmth of her car. I zoned out in a couple of seconds, drifting off into a deep sleep.

*Liam's P.O.V*

"She okay?" I asked, leaning into Ebony's car.

"Yeah she's fine. A bit tired though, I don't blame her, she's had to travel half a god damn day." I unlocked Audrey's seatbelt and gently picked her up, Ebony scampering behind me with her suitcases.

"You don't mind looking after her for tonight?"

"Ebony calm down." I chuckled, "She's like my sister."

She sighed, "I know I know, it's just I don't think I can leave her home by herself in this state."

I smiled at her concern and quickly placed Audrey onto my couch, I returned to Ebony and hugged her tight. "You're an amazing friend to her, she'd appreciate it, now I recommend for you to go home and get some sleep. Off you go." I waved my hands. She smiled and kissed my cheek quickly before exiting through the front door. I rolled Audrey's suitcase into the living room and picked her up once again, leading her into one of the spare rooms.

I placed her onto the mattress and removed her shoes, tucking her in and tiptoeing out, shutting the door behind me.

*Audrey's P.O.V*

I heard the familiar ringtone of my phone and reached over to answer the call.

"Niall?" I asked groggily.

"Baby! How are you? You okay? Where are you?" he asked firing questions.

"Slow down boy." I yawned, "I'm Fine, I'm good, I'm at Liam's."

"Have a safe flight?"

"Mhhmm." I mumbled fiddling with the white duvet cover. I checked the time and groaned once I saw it was 8:30, "Niall cut me some slack I've only been asleep for four hours."

"I know I know. I was worried."

"You shouldn't have to be, I'm fine. I'll see you sometime today, okay baby?" I murmured softly.

"Alright that's fine. I love you."

"I love you." I whispered back, ending the call. God I'm turning soft.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now