~ Chapter 16 ~

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"Yeah it was. I've just got one problem." I replied, nervously laughing.


"I'm not running around in jeans."

"That I can fix."

"Oh really?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Follow me." we walked over to her car and she unlocked the boot. I saw two duffel bags.

"You know how I get about sports. If I see a nice field I'll usually just change and run." she shrugged.

I chuckled, "Cara Maxwell, you're a woman of many surprises." she laughed as we found some changing rooms for the sports players. We quickly changed and shoved our clothing into the duffel bags, placing them in lockers.

"I'll fill up the water bottles." I walked over to the fountain and filled them up.


"Yeah, let's go!" she replied. We walked out onto the field and saw the boys playing a game of football.

"Can I quickly talk to Niall?" I asked blushing.

She chuckled and waved me off. I ran over to Niall, as I approached him his eyes widened slightly.

I leaned up and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek, "We're going to go play badminton. If you need me, I'm over there." he smiled and returned back to the game.

Harry walked over seconds later, "Where's Cara?" he asked.

"We're going to go play badminton." I replied pointing to the courts.

"Can I watch? I'm not too keen on football." he laughed. I nodded and ran back over to Cara.

"Ready to get your arse beaten Edwards?" she smirked.

"Whenever you're ready Maxwell." I raised my eyebrow. She served and I hit back expertly. This went on for a while, whilst Harry watched from the sidelines.

I held my stomach, "You're too fast." I breathed out to Cara.

She smirked, "Does this mean I've won?"

"No you bitch it means I need a break." I replied sassily. Harry walked over and motioned his hands towards the racket in my grip.

"May I?"

"Pfft good luck Harry, that thing over there is a bloody monster." he chuckled. I got bored of watching them after a while so I decided to go find the others.

Niall was sat down, "Hey." I sat next to him.

"Audrey. Babe you okay?" he asked sweetly.

I blushed and leaned into him, "Just fine." I mumbled.

He looked deep in thought. "Hey what's bothering you?" I whispered to him.

"Nothing I'm fine." he smiled.

"Niall I can read you like a book."

"Audrey..." he started, "I uh.. what are we?" he asked picking at the grass.

"Relationship wise?" I asked, he nodded.

"I don't know Ni." I mumbled.

"Is there a certain place you want to be?" he asked looking into my eyes.

I nodded, "What about you?"

"Me too." he muttered.

"Do you mind if I ask what do you want to be?" I asked him.

"Your boyfriend." he ran his hands through his hair. The sunlight shone on both of us, I had to squint a bit.

"I don't know, but after our first date, lying under the stars I realised that I wanted to take care of you, nurture you, love you. I want to be your shoulder to cry on, I want to kiss you when I want and hug you when I want. I want to cry with you and laugh with you. I just want you." Leaning over, I placed my lips on his, tangling my arms around his neck.

I pulled away and whispered, "I want to be your girlfriend Niall."

"Will you be mine?" he asked, holding me close.

"I'd be stupid if I said no."

Sorry for such a short chapter guys! But I guess it's okay since it's my second update. I hope you enjoyed!

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