~ Chapter 30 ~

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A movie, that I didn't know the name of, was quietly murmuring in the background as I set my gaze on the coffee table in front of me. "Audrey?" Niall furrowed his eyebrows, worry clouding his baby blues.
"Hmm?" I mumbled.
"You were daydreaming again" He held my hands gently in his, whilst he kneeled in front of me.
"Oh, sorry." I mumbled, looking down. He held my chin between two fingers and tilted my head up to meet his gaze.
"You've been doing that a lot lately. Are you sure you're alright? You know I'm here for you baby."
"I know and I'm fine, truly. I'm just a bit tired." I smiled and kissed his nose, he didn't look convinced, nonetheless he stood up and walked into the kitchen.
'Audrey, are you busy? x' I received the text from Harry.
'No, I was just watching a movie, what's wrong? Are you okay? x'
'Can we meet up? I need to speak to you. x'
'Alright, when? x'
'Be ready in half an hour, I'll come pick you up. x' Apparently my face showed clear signs of confusion as Niall sat next to me, slinging his arm on my waist. "What's up?"
"Harry wants me to meet him." I shrugged.
"Oh, what about?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I don't know," I shrugged, "But I need to get ready." I placed a kiss on his lips and walked off to the bedroom to get ready.


"Hey." Niall walked into the bedroom where I was brushing through my hair.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Harry's downstairs waiting for you." He placed his hands on my waist and left a gentle kiss to my neck.
"Are you sure you're okay? I'm getting worried sweetheart, you haven't been yourself lately." I looked at him through the reflection in the mirror and placed my hand on his cheek as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"I'm fine my love, don't you worry your pretty little mind." I could immediately tell that I hadn't convinced either of us. Nonetheless, being the sweetheart that he is, he just nodded and smiled gently.
"Come on, Harry's probably wondering where we are." I grabbed his hand and we walked downstairs hand in hand. Harry leaned over to me and gave me a bone crushing hug, "Woah, what's gotten into you?" I chuckled slightly.
"I've missed you."
"It's been like 3 days love."
"Exactly, ready to go?" I nodded and kissed Niall one last time and stepped out the door.

"Where are we going?" I questioned as he held open the car door for me.
"I thought you and I could enjoy a nice chat over some coffee." He jogged over to his side and started the engine. I narrowed my eyes slightly at the tone of his voice. Something in the back of my mind told me this is going to be more than a 'nice chat'. I bit my nails and anticipated what's to come.


"May I just have an Americano?" I sat across from Harry right next to a beautiful large garden. "Of course.", she smiled, "And you ma'am?"
"Can I have the same? Thank you." I squinted up at her. She smiled and walked off.
"What did you want to talk about?" I bit the inside of my cheek.
"You." I rolled my eyes slightly.
"What's he been saying?"
"Don't blame this on Niall, Audrey this is serious. I was discussing this with Cara the other night, you're not yourself lately love, what's going on in that mind of yours?"
Over the past few months, me and Harry had gotten extremely close. Closer than we had ever been before. I went to him whenever I wanted advice or just to talk in general, he was a genuine guy and spoke words in such a way that it left me speechless. He was a levelheaded guy but I know for a fact that he could get extremely stern and authoritative if he wished to. 
"Nothing's wrong Harry, mine and Niall's relationship is still going strong, I'm still doing my job and I know that I always have people supporting me if I was ever in troubled times." I'm not going to lie, it was difficult to remain eye contact, it was as if he could see right through me and my lies. I contemplated on whether or not I should just pour my heart out to him right there and then but then he would tell Niall and Niall would get worried and I didn't want that. I didn't want that at all. But I feel as though this is important. In fact I think it is very important. I'm tired of putting up with this façade.

"Remember a couple of months ago?"

Boom, going to leave it right there. I decided that I should probably update. So, sorry about that late update. I was reading through this book and even the edited parts were so carroty, I'm so sorry. Anyway, what do you think Audrey and Niall's ship name should be?

Until next time x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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