~ Chapter 14 ~

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I woke up, feeling slightly confused before realising it was 11:45. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and and stood up slowly. I strolled into my bathroom before brushing my teeth and finishing up. My date with Niall was at 6:30 today, he still hadn't given me a clue on where we were going or what we were going to do. However he told me that I'd enjoy myself, I'm seriously so excited. We've always gone out on little dinners together but they meant nothing, because he had a girlfriend. But now it's a 'date' it's a completely different story. I got dressed in comfortable clothing and decided to call my best friend Cara.

Soon enough she picked up, "Audrey! How are you?" she asked me.

"Great Cara, you?" I answered back.

"I'm amazing! I'm so happy that you called me! We need to meet up sometime girl!" she spoke excitedly.

"Uh yeah speaking of meeting up, I have a huge favour to ask you..." I mumbled trailing off.

"What is it babe?" she asked sweetly.

"I kind of have a date with Niall tonight." I bit my lip.

I heard her gasp, "OMFG WHAT OTP." I laughed at her hyperactivity.

"Girl calm down I'm the one whose supposed to be jumping off walls." I chuckled.

She let out a small shriek. "What happened to that bitch Amelia?" her tone sour.

"Ahhhh.....She's gone." I replied bluntly.

"So you're saying she's out of the picture?" I could literally feel her smirk down the line.

"Basically yeah." I smiled.

"So you're also adding that Horan's now yours?" she chuckled.

"Well our first date is is tonight so... anyways can you come help me babe? I want to make a good impression." I bit my nails.

"Of course! I'll be there in a few." just like she said she knocked on my door at 12:10 and I walked over to the door and swung it open. We both screamed loudly. Cara threw herself at me and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"You bitch I haven't talked to you in years!" she let go and casually made her way over to my couch.

"It's been like 2 weeks" I laughed. She patted the spot next to her.

"Spill." she smirked.

"Basically we've been kind of.. um...been into each other for a while? I mean we've already kissed and slept in the same bed." I mumbled looking down.

"Now that's crossing boundaries." she pointed out to me. I laughed loudly.

"Anyhow where's your date then??" she asked in a singsong voice.

"He hasn't told me." I scratched the back of my neck. Her smile dropped

"What? Dude how does he expect you to dress up. You'll wear like a dress and he'll take you to a basketball game." she asked ludicrously.

I chuckled, "I highly doubt it." she sighed before motioned her hand towards me,

"Phone." I unlocked my phone for her and she went into the contacts app. I pointed to her.

"Don't be harsh." I said sternly. She rolled her eyes and called Niall putting him on speaker.

"Hello Audrey? Love what's up?" he asked concerned.

"Homie how are you?" Cara impersonated me. I laughed before speaking up.

"Hey Ni. I see you've met my friend Cara."

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now