~ Chapter 25 ~

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"Do you have to leave?" Anastasia peered up at me through her lashes.

"I'm sorry bug but I have to go." I pouted.

"But I don't want you to leave. I love you." She murmured, undeniably upset.

"I love you too." I responded, caressing her hair, "But we're all going to have a great day out together okay?" I beamed. She nodded contently.

"Mum there's an ice cream van!" Anastasia screamed, her hold on my hand stiffening.

"Can we buy some? Please please please -"

"Jack this is all your fault." Anna rubbed her forehead.

"Me?! What the bloody hell did I do?" He laughed apprehensively towards the end.

"You're always giving them sweet things to eat between meals. I can't have my baby girls growing up unhealthy." She rolled her eyes.

"Trust me if they grow up to be anything like their aunt, they'll have the body of a model." I tossed my hair over my shoulder.

"Oh really?" Anna raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"Yes really." I laughed.

Anna groaned, "For god's sake not more than one scoop." both of the girls cheered, so did Jack. Wow.

"You give in too easily." My mum chuckled and Anna giggled. We found a picnic area to sit down on, there was also a park adjacent to it so we thought it was the perfect opportunity for the little girls.

Soon enough dad, Jack and the two little girls walked through the big arch at the entrance of the park. They had about 4 scoops each. Anna looked over at them and smiled, defeated.

Jack came over and handed a cone to me and Anna whereas my dad handed one to my mum.

"How do you know what flavour I like?" I asked smirking.

"You're my younger sister, I remember everything about you from the 3 aligned beauty spots on your right leg to the phobia of insects." He smiled and wrapped an arm protectively around my shoulders.

"Mummy, can we go play in that park?" Anastasia asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Have you finished your ice-"


"Are you su-"

"Yes." Willow giggled, Anna just rolled her eyes and waved the two young girls off.

"I don't know how you're going to put up with having another." I giggled biting into my ice cream, it felt good to have it on this scorching hot day.

"I'm going to miss having you around little one." I smiled at the nickname he always used to call me.

"I'm going to miss you all like crazy." I said tearfully.

"Now now Audrey wipe those tears away darling. Leave that for when we say our goodbyes at the airport." My dad brushed away any stray hairs I had and tucked them gently behind my ear, I leaned into his touch.

"You're still going to come visit me often Aud? I need help during pregnancy. You're pretty much the only one that understands me."

"Growing old aren't we?" My mum sighed.

"You still look as beautiful as the day I laid my eyes on you Maria." My dad wrapped his hand around my mums waist.

I looked over at Jack and mouthed, 'Awww' he nodded smiling.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now