~ Chapter 15 ~

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The sweet moment ended all too quickly and I felt myself crave more as he pulled away.

He held on to my right arm and leant towards my ear, "See you tomorrow?" he whispered. I nodded and bid him goodbye. I noticed that a car had pulled up now and I recognised the driver as Liam. He waved at me and I waved back. Niall pecked my lips once more before leaving.

I unlocked my door and walked into to find Cara and Harry cuddled up to each other on the couch, sleeping.

"Aw." I whispered to myself, I took out my phone and quickly snapped a picture.

*2 hours earlier: Cara's P.O.V*

Audrey had just left and she informed that I could stay at hers until she returned from her date with Niall. I decided to watch a movie on Netflix. I was scrolling through for a couple of minutes when I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened he door to see Harry standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Um Cara, hi." he looked at me.

"Hey Harry, come in." I opened the door wider for him to enter.

"Could I stay for a while?" he asked.

"Of course! I'm not doing anything anyway." I laughed.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked. He nodded and took off his suit blazer off leaving him in a white button up shirt and black jeans, when I said he wore a tux before it included jeans. He sat down.

"Would you like anything to eat?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No thank you." he replied politely.

*Harry's P.O.V*

"Alright, well I'm just going to get a bottle of water, I'll be back in a second." she nodded politely.

Cara was absolutely beautiful. She had straight black hair that fell down her waist and striking brown eyes, she seemed like the type to wear trainers, not heels. I don't know why this made me even more attracted to her, but I felt like I wanted to get to know her more.

She came back holding a bottle of water in her hand. I took the time to observe what she was wearing. She had all black converses on, a grey t-shirt with The Beatles on it and some plain black leggings. I love how laid back her style was.

"Like them?" I asked her. She raised her eyebrow in confusion.


"The Beatles?"

"Yes I absolutely love them! They're one of my all time favourite bands." she smiled widely and sat next to me.

"Me too. I listened to them whilst growing up as a kid." she looked intrigued.

"Really? People say I have a really odd music taste, I'd be listening to The Beatles one minute and then I'd listen to The Rolling Stones." she laughed, I noticed how her eyes would crinkle up and the sides and how she'd get small dimples if she smiled really big.

"Shall we get on with the movie?" she asked.
I nodded, "Of course."

"What do you want to watch?" She asked.

"Can we watch a horror?" I asked eagerly. I saw her face pale up slightly,

"Harry, I hate horror movies."

"I noticed." I raised my eyebrow.

"Fine, but make sure you're here to protect me if a psychopath ever pops up and tries to kill us." she replied seriously.

"The Conjuring?" I asked, I'm not too much of a fan of horror movies either, it's not that I'm scared or anything I just find them extremely boring.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now