~ Chapter 8 ~

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We did however end up write a song called 'Fireproof'. I personally loved it and was so proud of the boys for writing it in less than an hour.

"Guys this song is amazing! I'm really happy about this one." I beamed whilst leaning back in the chair with a cup of coffee in my hands.

"You helped as well. Don't forget." Harry replied, smiling.

"Yeah I guess, but you guys actually bring it to life." I laughed waving my hands everywhere. Niall and Liam chuckled.

"You think that's enough for one day lads?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah I think that's fine." Louis replied.

"Shall we get together and write more soon?" I asked curiously.

"Well yes Audrey we have a whole album to write." Liam answered.

"Oh yeah." I laughed. Louis just shook his head. We all stood up and exited the room.

"Guys I'm gonna head home I have a lot of cleaning to do and I need to catch up on Pretty Little Liars sometime soon." I stretched.

"Women." Niall chuckled.

"Shut up Niall." I bumped him in the shoulder with my shoulder. I grabbed my shoes and tied my shoe laces together, picking up my bag, phone and car keys. I gave the boys a big hug each.

"Bye guys, see you soon." I shouted waving behind me. The other lads followed close behind me heading to their cars. I opened the door and sat down and turned the car on, also turning the radio on in the process. Shake It Off by Taylor Swift started blasting through the speakers, I rolled the windows down and I saw Niall laugh at me in his car. I smiled back and drove out the driveway.

I arrived at my house in 20 minutes and it was already 2:00 so I changed into my pyjamas. I cleaned around for a while and then decided on watching a movie on my laptop, I settled on 'Step Brothers'.

The movie finished at around 4:15 when suddenly my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller and saw that it was Niall, I accepted the call and put it on speaker as scrolled through my emails.

"Audrey?" Niall started.

"Niall." I said in his accent.

"I have nothing to do." he stated laughing.

"I just watched a movie and now I'm bored yet again." I laughed, "Anyways why'd you call me Ni?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to do something today?"

"Sure! Want to come over to mine later?" I asked him.

"Course. What time?"

"Ehhh fiveish?" I asked.

"Sure that's fine. I'll be there soon. " he answered.

"Bye Ni." I smiled.

"Bye princess." I blushed at the nickname he used. He always calls me that, I didn't know how it started, not that I minded of course. I actually loved it. It always somehow made me get butterflies in my stomach. He just had that affect on me and I absolutely hated it.

I decided to change out of my pyjamas and actually wear something presentable for Niall. Not that we minded being around each other in pyjamas. I decided to occupy myself for an hour watching an episode of Pretty Little Liars.

As soon as I finished that I heard a knock at the door. I closed my laptop and placed it on the coffee table. I stood up and walked to the door. I straightened up a bit and opened the door with a wide smile.

"Nialler!" I hugged him tightly. I felt his hands snake around my waist and we stayed like that for a while.

"Audrey. Can't.. Breathe." he whispered. I pulled back and laughed.

"Sorry!" I pulled him inside. "Hungry?" I asked whilst walking into the kitchen.

"Nah just ate." he replied.

"Drink?" I asked whilst making myself a hot chocolate.

"Water will do love." he answered whilst walking towards me. He stood next to me and placed his hand on my waist. Ever so slightly I tensed up. I looked towards him and he smiled widely, I just looked down.

"Forgot to mention you look beautiful." he added, I was blushing furiously.

"Stop." I told him sternly.

"Stop what?" He said smirking ever so slightly.

"Stop doing this to me."

"I don't think I understand what you're on about love." He said innocently.

"Yes you do. You love how you've got me wrapped around your finger. Every time  you compliment me I turn into this mushy mess." I said exasperated. I started moving around the kitchen tidying everything and placing everything back to where it belongs. I felt Niall's presence behind me and suddenly he pushed me against the table gently and placed both of his hands beside me, trapping me.

"You enjoy it too. You love the little compliments I give you. You love that feeling that you get. Don't lie to me. I don't like being lied to." he stated as a matter of factly.

"Fine! I do like it! Is that what you wanted to hear?" I asked him in defeat. He obviously knew I meant every word.

"Yeah that's what I wanted to hear." he smirked and pecked my nose.

Oh my god. He needs to stop doing this to me. It's been going on for a while. The smirking, the winking, the teasing. He clearly knows how I feel about him. He obviously does. I mean surely he can't like me back? Maybe he's just playing around. I hate how he's giving me mixed signals. It makes me furious that he knows everything that's going through my mind yet I can't figure out what's going on in his. He obviously deserves someone much better and prettier than me. Here I am getting my hopes up again. Last time I did that I ended up heartbroken. It's took a lifetime for me to come back to normal and be myself again. I can't afford for that to happen again. Maybe I'm just overthinking. Do I really love him? Or is my mind just messing with me? And does he love me? Or is he just messing with me? Niall isn't going to be the one to break my heart. I will not allow him.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now