~ Chapter 23 ~

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The boys had about a week left before they left for their worldwide tour, so everyone was making the most of it. For about two weeks everyone went to visit their families.

*2 Weeks Earlier*

I packed up the last of my suitcase and bags, checking over everything. I took a last look at my room quickly, before hurrying downstairs. I slipped on my white Converses and grabbed my large handbag. I locked my front door and made my way into the awaiting taxi. The man thankfully helped me haul the heavy load into the trunk, and opened the passenger door for me. I thanked him gratefully and slipped in.

The drive to the airport was peaceful. As we got there I thanked the man once again as he placed my large suitcase on the floor I paid him and made my way into the airport.

I met up with Niall and Ebony. The others went to separate airports (if they did take the plane) otherwise they just drove to their family homes. Let me state the obvious that Niall was going to Ireland along with Ebony. Funny story, Ebony's not full Irish, yet pretty much all of her family is. Me however, I was leaving to go to the States to go see both of my parents and my brother, who had moved there a few years ago. I was notified that some of my other family might come to visit, but it wasn't 100% certain.

"Audrey!" Niall jogged over to me, embracing me into a tight hug. I looked around, quite happy that there wasn't too many paps about. There was a few fans here and there who came up to Niall asking for a picture and such but overall it was calm. We all handed our suitcases in and our tickets, also having our passports checked and stamped. Soon enough we were just left to the company of each other. We sat down on the uncomfortable seats and I laid my head on Niall's shoulder. It was getting quite late. I checked my phone to see it was 10:30pm.

"Go to sleep if you want love. I'll wake you up once you're boarding." Niall mumbled. I mouthed thank you and laid my head down on his lap. His fingers slowly ran through my hair, tracing patterns in it. I dozed off almost instantly.


"Baby, wake up. You need to board your plane." Niall ran his hand through my now knotted hair. I sat up and looked around.

"It's 12:15." he mumbled, I looked over at Ebony whose head was laying on his shoulder. I stood up slowly and swung my bag over my shoulder.

"Ebony. Audrey's leaving." He nudged her awake, she jolted up, startled. I chuckled at her actions.

"See you in two weeks." she smiled, bringing me into a tight hug.

"See you Eb." I smiled, moving onto Niall, he pouted.

"I'll miss you baby."

"I'll miss you too." I pouted back.

"Don't get up to too much mischief. Alright? And call me when you have landed. I'll be worried sick if you don't." he tucked his fingers underneath my chin.

"Can't promise you that. But I'll call." he chuckled lowly, placing his lips onto my forehead, then meeting my lips, luring me into a passionate kiss. He pulled away too soon for my liking.

"You need to go."

I sighed, annoyed. I straightened up my jumper and pulled him into one last big hug.

"I love you." he whispered into my ear.

He finally said the words that I've been dying to hear for 2 and a half years. I felt a smile creep onto my face.

"I love you too."

"Don't say that."


soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now