~ Chapter 13 ~

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In the picture imagine it's a larger space and there's two couches instead of one:) enjoy!

I sat behind the glass with John, Ben and Julian and watched the boys each sing their parts.

"I think I'm gonna lose my mind,
Something deep inside me, I can't give up,
I think I'm gonna lose my mind,
I roll and I roll 'til I'm out of luck, yeah,
I roll and I roll 'til I'm out of luck," Harry sang.

"I'm feeling something deep inside,
Hotter than a jet stream burning up,
I got a feeling deep inside,
It's taking, it's taking all I got, yeah,
It's taking, it's taking all I got."
Niall sang afterwards.

It went on like this and the boys got the song perfect the first time. Us three clapped behind the glass and Zayn smiled at us from inside the booth.

After a couple of minutes we all met up again at the couches and we sat in this order: Liam, Zayn & Harry on the opposite couch to us and Louis, me and Niall.

"I feel like writing another song." Liam murmured.

"Yeah but we need inspiration." Harry thought.

"I have my inspiration." Niall muttered, before his eyes widened realising he said that out loud.

Harry's head snapped up to smirk at me whilst Niall glanced at me, blushing a bit. I grabbed a piece of paper and racked over my thoughts for a second before jotting down some words,

'Counted all my mistakes and there's only one, standing up on a list of the things I've done, all the rest of my crimes don't come close, to the look on your face when I let you go.'

I made a couple of mistakes but in about ten minutes I wrote down that verse. Wow, that's pretty good actually.

Liam gently grabbed the piece of paper from my hand and wrote down a few words, scribbling some out then rewriting and doing this process a couple of times.

'So I built you a house from a broken home, then I wrote you a song with the words you spoke, yeah, it took me some time but I figured out, how to fix up a heart that I let down' he smiled at me and handed the piece of paper over to Harry and he checked it over.

"You wrote this in 15 minutes?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"Uh... yes?" I answered, more like a question.

"It's amazing!" he exclaimed. I breathed out a sighed in relief.

"I'm all out of ideas." Liam laughed so Louis took the paper away from his hands and started jotting down his thoughts. I laughed too and stood up to go to the room next door, where there were masses of instruments and picked out an acoustic guitar and sat down on a small couch that was situated there. A couple of minutes later I noticed Harry walking over towards me and I stopped what I was playing and looked up at him. He sat down across me and inhaled deeply.

"What's up?" I asked him curiously.

"I've got to get this off my chest, are you and Niall dating?" he asked.

I gaped, "What? No. Of course not! What gives you that idea? We're not dating. Just friends." I mumbled towards the end. Yeah, cause you go around kissing all your 'friends' and sleeping with them, my conscience told me. I shook my head out of those thoughts.

"I just.. I thought you were.. because you know, you're acting really I dunno... coupley?" he asked confused.

I shook my head,"No Harry we're only friends." I assured him.

He sighed,"You'd tell us if anything was going on right?" he asked.

"Of course! Don't worry I do not have feelings for him." I emphasised.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now