~ Chapter 28 ~

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"Do I go down straight away? Do I wait? If I went down now, would I seem to desperate? Is he going to call me down? I-"

"Cara!" Ebony and I whisper shouted.

"What? I'm nervous man."

"Just relax, what's the worse that can happen?" Ebony muttered.

"I might set his hair on fire." she gasped, "Oh my lord I'd never hear the end from the fans then, they'd probably tie me up in a chair and shove spoons down my throat whilst listening to - "



"Shut the fuck up." I murmured, still looking over the railings. On top of me was Ebony and Cara was leaning on top of her.

"Guys do you think we're rushing things? I mean we've only been formally talking for about 2 weeks, yet he's already asked me to be his and we've already kissed." She frowned. Oscar appeared in front of us and sat down on top of the stairs.

"I think you both are doing fine, in my opinion I think it just shows how much of a tight bond you've both developed. There might be people who think you're rushing but there's always going to be the ones who criticise. Love doesn't have a time limitation. As long as you're comfortable with the pace you're moving at I think it doesn't matter what others think, as long as you're content. Do what your heart tells you to, may sound soppy but it's true, what do you truly feel in your heart? If he makes you happy then why hold back? Be with him, do things that make you happy. It's cute the way that you both depend on each other even though you've met? What? A week, two weeks ago? Harry's a good guy, you're making the right choice." He smiled. Cara leaned over and hugged him.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"Did you just leave Harry down there?" I giggled.

"Yeah I told him I wouldn't take too long." he shrugged, chuckling.

"Come on Audrey we'll go down first and then Cara can join us." Ebony shrugged whilst standing up, I nodded and sauntered down the spiral stairs.

"Hey Harry." Ebony hugged him.

"Hey Ebony, Audrey." he embraced me into a hug as well. I swivelled around and noticed Cara elegantly walk downstairs, Harry glanced up.

"You look... absolutely beautiful." He looked her up and down. Oscar retched, Ebony punched him in the stomach.

"Don't look too bad yourself." she beamed.

"Ready to go then love?"

"Of course." Cara turned to us and and she winked.

"Have fun and we both expect a fully detailed report written by tomorrow." Ebony pointed her finger at her and Cara giggled whilst pulling us both into a hug.

Harry held out his hand and gently escorted her towards the door and they both made their way out into his car and drove off.

"She's growing up too fast!" Oscar bawled.

"You're so cliché mate."

"Shut up Edwards." he shoved me.

"What now?"

"Football?" he widened his eyes, anticipative.

"Sure." I shrugged and turned to Ebony.


"Come on Eb it'll be fun!" Oscar side hugged her.

"Should we call the other boys?" I queried.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now