~ Chapter 2 ~

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Five minutes later I was up against the headboard of the bed, he was lying down, snuggling into my side. I was playing with his hair whilst singing Little Things. I felt his body relaxing with every verse I sang.

''You sound like an angel Audrey.'' he whispered, I just carried on singing, smiling to myself.

When I came to his verse he looked straight at me hypnotizing me with his mesmerising eyes. I didn't break eye contact once until, ''I'm in love with you and all your little things.''

I finished but he was fast asleep cuddling even more into my side if that was possible.

''I love you Niall.'' I said and leant down to kiss his forehead. I slowly removed him from me, he stirred a little but didn't wake up. I found a blanket and draped it over him. And I quietly tiptoed out, closing the door behind me, then started heading downstairs.

I stomped into the kitchen, slightly furious. I poured my self some water and drank it all, slamming the glass on the table. All the boys came into the kitchen, exchanging nervous glances.

''What?" I raised my eyebrows.

''Well, umm, what happened?'' Louis asked, clearly concerned. I felt a slight wetness in my eyes as I looked away from the boys, they must've noticed this as  Zayn rushed to my side pulling me in for a hug, rubbing soothing circles into my back. I pulled away gently, and straightened up on the chair.

I took a deep breath and started, ''Niall looked terrible. He said he caught Amelia cheating on him. I mean what right does she have to hurt someone as sweet as Niall?!''

I was handed tissues by Josh, he looked angry as well. Him and Niall were like brothers.

Out of nowhere Liam said, ''Hey guys why don't we watch a movie to take our minds off of things? Niall can join us if he comes downstairs anytime soon.'' This was sweet of him so I couldn't say no.

''Sure okay.'' He smiled.

An hour and a half later we all (except Niall) sat in the movie room, watching Marley And Me , me and Lou bawling our eyes out and the others staring at us like we ran out of the mental ward.

''STOP STARING AT ME YOU KNOW I AM EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE RIGHT NOW.'' Louis shouted across the room, I couldn't help but laugh at this. See this is what my days consist of. Well except for the stupid heartbreaks.

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