~ Chapter 12 ~

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A little while later I felt the temperature drop quite drastically. I was still in Niall's arms, his body gave off warmth but it wasn't enough for the both of us, I was literally stone cold. And shivering.

"Shall we head back then?" he asked noticing my actions.

I nodded "Please?" he nodded and stood up reaching out for both of my hands. I gratefully took them and stood up. He interlocked his fingers with mine and we started walking back through the towering trees.

I unlocked my front door and stepped in, Niall following me and pushing the door closed. I took off my coat and boots and placed them in the cupboard where they belonged, Niall doing the same. As I shut the door to the cupboard the lights illuminated the house once again.

I breathed out in relief, "Finally the electricity's back. Took long enough." I muttered. I headed into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water.

"Should we call it a night? It's been tiring." Niall yawned, stretching whilst walking into the kitchen. I smiled at his cuteness,

"You go Ni. I'll be up soon." I replied.

"What are you going to do?" he asked curiously.

I shrugged whilst answering, "I don't know. But I'm not tired."

He looked at me like I was crazy, "So our adventures into the wild didn't tire you out?"

I laughed at his choice of words, but shook my head no, "Suit yourself love." he chuckled, making his way over to me.

He placed his arms around my waist and pecked my forehead, "Goodnight Audrey." he whispered.

"Goodnight Ni." I answered. And he left to go upstairs. A couple of minutes later I heard the shower running. Having nothing better to do, I decided I might as well hit the hay too.

I switched off all the lights and took my phone with me, as I walked up stairs. I sat in front of my dressing table and untied my hair from the bun it was in, leaving it cascading down my back. I brushed through my hair and removed any makeup I had, which was not a lot. I entered my bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and threw on my pyjamas. By this time I heard the shower go off in Niall's room. I sighed and picked up a book from my bedside table and started reading. Right now I was reading, Looking For Alaska by John Green.

About half an hour later I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled and Niall walked in.

"Hey." he muttered closing the door.

"Hey. You okay?" I asked quickly.

"Can't sleep. The rain and thunders too loud." He mumbled smiling sheepishly. I hadn't even noticed that it started raining once again. I smiled and motioned him over. He came and sat on my bed leaning against the headboard, it seemed as though he was thinking.

"What's up?" I whispered.

He rolled his head towards me and sighed looking into my eyes, "Just thinking about everything." he whispered back.

I placed a hand on his cheek and looked him in the eyes,"Just go to sleep Ni, I'll be here when you wake up."

He nodded and settled his head onto the pillow and turned his body around to face me. I turned off my lamp and also laid back down, facing him. He gently placed his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him, by now I was pressed up against his chest and our feet were completely tangled.

A few minutes later I realised that Niall's breathing had slowed down, hitting my neck. I reached up to place my hands in his hair and soon enough felt myself drifting off into a deep sleep in the arms of Niall.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now