~ Chapter 4 ~

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*Later That Night*

I woke up to someone prodding me. I groaned, ''I ain't getting up so you might as well leave. Doors over there. Bye." I said in a muffled voice as my face was covered in my pillow.

I heard a laugh that sounded a bit like ''Niall!'' I groaned throwing a pillow at him clumsily, and probably missing him by a mile.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes,''What on earth do you want?" I said groggily.

''I've got a really bad stomach ache and I can't sleep.'' He muttered.

''Well what do you expect me to do Niall?" I answered laughing.

''I thought you'd know something since you're the woman of the house ain't ya?" He smirked.

''Don't even go down there, I'm a lawyer I'll easily sue your ass any-day." I smirked back.

''Fine but seriously, can you help me because I can't sleep and my stomach is in real pain.'' He seemed serious so I got up went into his room, turned right around and fell back. He came in saw me and started laughing at me.

''What are you laughing at?'' I smiled slightly.

''You throw pillows, missing me by a mile yet you don't miss the bed. Such a weird girl Audrey.'' He picked me up bridal style.

''Put me down you mental Irishman!'' He carried me into the bathroom that was in the room and put me down. I held onto the sink and gave him my best glare, which probably wasn't at all intimidating.

I sat him down on to the toilet seat and seriously said, ''Listen I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but a couple of hours ago you were completely heartbroken but now you're acting like you don't care. You better now?''

''Truth is no. No I'm not. But I realised that if she chooses to do what she did there is no one stopping her, but truth be told our relationship was on the line. I don't know but I just didn't feel the 'spark' anymore I was actually planning on her telling her this but I didn't know how to. Whilst I was sleeping at one point I woke up and thought this whole thing through and I realised that there is absolutely no point in being heartbroken over this. It was obvious we were going to end anyway. I was just too oblivious.'' After he said this his facial expression completely changed and pain visibly shot throughout him.

''Oh God are you okay?" I panicked.

''No I don't think so.'' he said strained.

''Stay here don't move." I said in one breath. I ran downstairs, getting a hot water bottle and filling it up with steaming water and grabbing a first aid kit (just in case), and ran back upstairs, where I saw Niall still seated on the toilet and in serious pain. I saw one of them bathroom cupboard things so I seized the handle and slammed it open, seeing some medicine. I grabbed it pouring into it's lid, and gently gave the contents to Niall, tilting his chin upwards softly. I placed the lid back onto the medicine. I suddenly thought, 'hold on a sec. He's in his boxers whilst I'm in a t-shirt. Shit shit shit.'

Apparently I was staring as he remarked, ''Like what you see?'' he smirked.

''Yeah, yeah in your dreams.'' I rolled my eyes. I'm positive I looked like a tomato.

Niall still had the water bottle on his stomach so he grabbed it and poured the rest down the sink. Standing up whilst doing so.

''Well I best be on my way, I'm in desperate need of sleep.'' I said walking out.

''Waiiiiitttt.'' Niall called.

''Yes Niall?''

''I'll escort you to your room.''

I furrowed my eyebrows, ''Why?''

''Cause you never know, you might come across Liam, who might give you a book. Something like ; Do's and Don'ts of Being Alone In A Hallway At Night.'' (CARROT)

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