Little Big Announcement

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Hello all you beautiful human beings. I may or may not have a tiny minuscule announcement to make.

I'm writing a new Niall fan fiction. Mhhm you heard me. It is going to be called 'Hatred' and the first part is up! I'm just announcing this just to let you all know that if I'm late on my updates, that's the reason why. But don't worry I'll be trying to updating them daily. Also I'm not like trying to self promote here :) I'm just saying if you'd like to, you don't have to, but if you'd like to, go ahead and read it :) Also I'm most likely going to delete this story since it's incredibly carroty. 

Lol I'm only joking don't fret. 

Anways! That was my announcement!

See you all later ;) x

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