Party AU Part 6

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This is one of my most requested stories so I thought I'd bring it back for the 50,000 mark ;)


Sophie had just started her reading requirements for one of her classes when Keefe entered her room holding two drinks. It had been a long semester and she had put off this project for too long. While Shakespeare is known as one of the greats she couldn't help but wish that it had been the much shorter Midsummer's Night Dream that had been assigned instead.

"I got you a mint tea with lemon," Keefe said as he handed her a warm cup.

She took a sip and hummed with delight and the taste.

He smiled at her reaction and started drinking his own hot chocolate while getting comfortable on her bed. For some reason, Keefe refused to have anything to do with caffeine. Though Sophie knew she should probably be grateful that he didn't have any more energy than he already did, she couldn't help but smile every time she watched the surprise come over the barista's face whenever he ordered it.

"So," he started surrounded by her pillows, "what's your book about?"

She turned from her desk and gave him a weird look, "What do you mean? I'm just reading Hamlet for my classic literature class."

He returned her look.

Realization dawned, "You've got to be kidding me! You've never read Hamlet?"

He gave her a pouty look, offended at her disbelief.

"No, I have not. Though I'm sure if my lovely girlfriend described it to me I'd be all the wiser."

She gave him an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry it's just that everyone in my high school was forced to read it Junior year. I'm not used to people not knowing it I guess."

She picked up the play and went to sit next to Keefe in the pillow nest he made from her bedding.

He always took make yourself at home to the extreme.

"Have you ever seen The Lion King?" she asked.

He raised a suspicious eyebrow, "...yes."

"Well that's based on Hamlet, so you basically know all the big plot points already."

She put her legs over his and leaned against his side and he kissed her temple.

"Will you read it to me?" he asked.

"Well," she thought about it. "It's not really meant to be read aloud, it's the script for a play. I'd have to read the stage directions and everything."

"Is there a love story between Nala and Simba still?" he asked innocently.

She giggled, "They have different names silly. But you asked one of the biggest questions behind the play. 'Was Hamlet really in love with Ophelia?'"

She shut her book and turned to face him.

"You see, Hamlet grows up with Ophelia's brother in the palace, Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark. One day when he comes home from college he meets her again and supposedly falls in love. Ophelia's father and brother tell her to stay away from him but she does not and meets with him secretly."

"If you ask me it sounds like they were pretty in love," Keefe smiled.

"But then Hamlet changes due to his father's death. His uncle married his mother and steals his crown. He's devastated and dethroned all at once. He yells at Ophelia to leave him alone and on a nunnery. His uncle believes he's gone mad and he tries to prove his father's murder. He mistakes Ophelia's father for his uncle and murders him. His Uncle declares Hamlet to be killed for his crimes but unbeknownst to most, Hamlet escapes. Ophelia, consumed in grief, drowns herself."

Keefe blew out of his mouth so his cheeks puffed up, "Jeez, that is one messed up story."

Sophie laughed, "It is one of the most famous tragedies ever written." 

"What do you think? Do you think they were in love despite the tragedies around them?"

She looked at Keefe's eyes, sparkling in curiosity.

"I think they were. Ophelia tried to prove to her brother and father that Hamlet loved her by showing them his letters to her. Obviously, Hamlet was shaken by his father's murder, and that caused him to act differently, but I don't think he ever fell out of love with her. When he told her to get to a nunnery I believe it was because he knew it wasn't safe anymore in the castle. A lot of people were trying to kill him and if they had found out about their love they could use her to get to him. I think he was trying to keep the love of his life safe."

She saw the wheels turn in Keefe's head as he thought about it.

"Why didn't she go if it was to save herself?"

She gave him a sad smile, "I don't think it's that easy. As much as he has the right to ask her to save herself she has just as much right to stay and be with him until the end. She loved him to the point that when she thought he had died, due to Hamlet being ordered to be killed, she literally drowned in her sorrows."

Keefe scrunched his nose, "I'd want you to save yourself."

Sophie gave his nose a quick pinch, "I'd stay until the end of the line."

Keefe gave a dramatic sigh, "I guess I won't have my uncle kill my dad then. No matter how mad he makes me"

She laughed, "hey if it weren't for your dad pissing you off, you never would have had that party and we never would have met!"

"At least one good thing came out of it," he gave her a megawatt smile.

"How else would I know how to make a nest out of blankets."

"Oh, I'll get you for that one Foster!"

His eyes narrowed and he launched a tickle attack. Sophie grabbed a pillow to protect herself but he caught her and tickled her sides until she was crying from laughter.

"I surrender! I surrender!" she giggled.

"Say 'Keefe is the superior pillow nest maker'," he announced holding her under him.

She rolled her eyes, "Keefe is the superior pillow nest maker..."

"And he has the best coffee order ever!"

She pursed her lips, "Hot chocolate isn't a coffee order Keefe."

"Say it or you'll never be free!" He put a pillow on his head like a crown.

She smiled and reluctantly repeated, "Keefe has the best coffee order ever."

He got off and helped her up, "Okay you can be free now."

"Thank you oh merciful king," she teased and placed a quick kiss on his nose. "Come on let's go to bed."

He rearranged the pillow nest into a more comfortable bed and they snuggled close as they began to drift to sleep. She knew she should be studying Hamlet for her project but she was too tired to read and Keefe was too cute to leave.

"Hey Foster," he whispered.

"Yeah," she murmured tiredly.

"I love you"

She turned around and placed her forehead on his.

"I love you too."

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