Party AU Part 3

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"Okay, I somewhat understand how the food and booze got everywhere, but why the horse mask?" Sophie picked it up carefully and threw it away slowly.

"Oh that? Yeah there is always this one kid that brings one, kinda short, he's weird."

They had spent the last few hours cleaning and putting Keefe's house back together. Meeting his dad had been what Sophie would call and experience. Seeing Keefe so nervous made her wonder if there was more going on between them than just the obvious father-son disappointment. When Mr. Sencen opened the door she was sweating with nerves. He looked very angry but calmed a few seconds after seeing Sophie. His smile was obviously fake as he let them both in and introduced himself.

"Hello Keefe, Keefe's friend, thank you for coming to cleanup your mess," Mr. Sencen said. 

"Like I had a choice," Keefe muttered looking everywhere but at his father. Mr. Sencen gave him an irritated look but proceeded on with his introduction. 

"The broom is in the closet down the hall and the sponges and soap are in the kitchen. I will be back tomorrow with some associates from work and I expect this place to be spotless." He gave Keefe one last glare before grabbing his keys and leaving. Once the door closed Keefe visibly relaxed and turned to Sophie with an unfitting smile. God, she thought,Keefe's dad is harsh. But as harsh as Keefe's dad was, she quickly began analyzing Keefe's house. Sure, she had been there once before, but now that she took it all in, she realized how big it actually was. 

"Of course you threw a party in the biggest house ever," she commented. Keefe looked at her confused for a moment, but a smirk quickly appeared as he lead her towards the brooms.

"Only the best for you Foster," They grabbed brooms and headed towards the kitchen to grab garbage bags.

"You didn't even know I was coming" She raised her eyebrow at him and started filling her bag.

"I'm sure glad you did though," he gave her a small smile. Her stomach filled with butterflys.

"w-what?" She stammered, not able to look at him in the eye.

"Otherwise I'd have to clean this all by myself." The butterflys died. She shoved him with a playful smile and went to turn on music to pass the time.

"This calls for some serious Queen music." She blasted the music from her phone and hummed along as they picked up garbage from, well, everywhere. Soon they split up, determined to finish early so they could go grab food. Sophie started upstairs while Keefe was finishing the living room. 

She found herself in a long narrow hallway with several closed doors. Starting with the first door on the left, she entered slowly and turned the lights on. Her eyes widened as she took in the room around her. There was a beautiful canopy bed made from some kind of fancy wood, intricately carved, with white linings and silk draped around it. Tall windows framed the bed with matching curtains. The walls were baby blue and there was two night stands aside the bed. But what really captured Sophie's attention was the large picture hanging right above the bed with three people, smiling widely at the camera. 

The young boy was obviously Keefe, and the two adults must have been his parents. She recognized his dad, but realized she had never seen an actual picture of his mom. She noticed that despite his anger towards his dad he had now, this little boy didn't seem to have a care in the world. They looked like a regular happy family. Sophie's throat caught, what she would kill for something like that. 

After a moment of silence, she picked up what little trash was in the room and promptly left. Right after she closed the door she heard Keefe bounding up the stair towards her.

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