Not Yours

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Keefe could see that she was getting agitated, it didn't take an empath to know that. Her fidgeting along with the ever so random pluck of an eyelash should have been pointed enough to tell them that Sophie was uncomfortable. He also knew that they weren't seeing it. Her parents, the Black Swan, and the Council were all too filled with rage to see past their own anger to really see her discomfort. He knew that she was letting them yell without fighting back because she could tell they were too angry to be talked out of whatever they were saying, but he could also tell that it was starting to take its toll on her.

"How could you think for one second it would be okay to do something like this!" yelled councilor Alina. "You stupid little girl!"

He watched her flinch at that and his anger started to rise as well. If their friends and her parents hadn't been here he would have sat by her side and held her hand in support, but he had promised her he wouldn't tell anyone they were dating until after she had gone to the Neverseen. So instead he sat at the edge of the room with Fitz and Dex while they collectively watched Sophie get berated with the consequences of going behind their backs.

"Do you understand how many people you could have hurt! How many lives would have been lost because of you!" Alina's attacks continued, "Going against the Neverseen alone was by far one of the most immature and destructive things you've ever done!" Keefe's hands clenched.

"You've ruined almost every part of the plan that has taken years to execute!" yelled a puffed up Forkle. "How could you think that would be a good idea."

He watched as Sophie's eyes went dark but she held her tongue. They were all gathered at Havenfield and Sophie sat in a chair in the dining room while the ever-present adults hovered around her. 

"You could have died Sophie," whispered Edaline in a harsh whisper. "Why would you do something so dangerous alone!"

The room went silent for a moment as everyone focused on what Sophie's answer was going to be. When one never came that made Alina even angrier.

"You insolent girl, nothing is ever enough for you is it?" Alina hissed. "You couldn't just be a Moonlark, a regent, and an overpowered elf could you! You had to be the hero too, now look what you've done! The Neverseen probably knows all of our secrets, our plans, and our defenses because of your ego!"

Keefe suspected that Sophie knew then that the anger wasn't going to die down so he watched as she let out a heavy breath and stood up to her full height. She looked directly at Alina with narrowed eyes and proceeded to walk right past her. Before anyone could understand that she still wasn't going to answer, Sophie calmly walked into a teleportation hole and was gone in a flash.

Keefe wanted to clap at her elegant exit, Sophie had been practicing teleporting without needing to run, but he knew the rest of the room was still angry, if not angrier at Sophie now. He needed to find a way to sneak out without it being obvious he was going to her, how in the world could he do that!

"Does she think she can act this way towards the councilors! Towards her Parents!" Alina screeched. Though not all the other councilors were as angry as Alina, like Bronte and Oralie, he could still feel their hurt and confused feelings towards Sophie's behaviors. 

"I don't understand how she could ruin all of our plans like this! At the drop of a hat, no warning. How could she put the world on the line like that?" Forkle wondered aloud. 

Keefe knew why, of course, being the only one she told, but let the adults fester as Sophie had.

"You put too much trust into your experiment, and now the world has to pay the price," Alina replied in answer. 

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