Party AU Part 2

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Sunlight was pouring in through the windows when Sophie opened her eyes just to become blinded. She groaned and turned over to go back to sleep.

"Someone isn't a morning person"

Sophie shot up, remembering that she wasn't in her dorm. Rubbing her eyes she looked to see where Keefe's voice came from.

"You wouldn't be a morning person too if your roommate kept you up all night, or in this case you." She uncovered herself from the blankets and took a better look at the room. Keefe's side had homework messily covering most of his desk, the pillow fort under his bed, a few band posters loosely taped to the wall, clothes strewn about messily on the floor, but what captured Sophie's attention the most was the buliton board hanging next to the bed. It was filled with sketches and paintings of anything and everything. They were ridiculously detailed and could have easily been professionally drawn. 

"Did you draw all of these," she asked admiring one of the landscape pieces of the colleges library.

Keefe blushed but tried to cover it with a smirk. "Yeah, I doodle when I'm bored."

"Doodle, these are full out masterpieces" Keefe blushed at her words but eagerly changed the subject.

"So, what do you want to do today bestie"

Sophie turned around, surprised etched in her face. "You want to hang out? You realize that we literally met yesterday"

"And since then you have already slept in my bed so I can safely say we are at least friend, if not best friend, standards. So, I repeat, what do you want to do today"

"Umm, I guess we should start by going to my dorm so I can change and make myself look somewhat presentable. But after that, I don't know. I hadn't really made plans for the break. I was assuming I was going to be alone for most of it."

"Then aren't you glad you meet me" Keefe stood up from the desk chair and opened his dresser to pull out some clothes. "I'm going to go take a quick shower and then we can head over to your dorm, sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds great." As he left for the showers Sophie set out to find her phone. She needed to give Biana some warning before showing up at their dorm with a random boy. After going back into the pillow fort and finding it under several pillows, she turned it on to find several notifications. Most of them from her roommate.


Dude where are you?

Did you go home with Keefe?!?!

I swear to god if you don't answer...



                                                                          Hey Biana, I'm going to call you okay?

SOPHIE! Yes okay call meeeee

After the second ring Biana picked up and squealed loudly into the phone.

"God your loud" Sophie muttered.

"Tell me now. Are you or are you not with Keefe Sencen right now?!"

"Technically he is showering so I'm not with him, but yeah, I'm in his dorm. Sorry If I scared you"

"OMG, are you guys, like a thing"

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