Not Him

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As the sword made its arc towards her, she accepted her fate.

A part of her was tired of fighting. Of constantly being on edge and being uncertain of her reality. She knew this feeling was wrong because she wanted to live. She had so many reasons why she wanted to live.

But she was exhausted. Bone tired, can't take your shoes off before falling asleep, couldn't remember why she enjoyed being awake kind of exhausted.

While they had been fighting for hours and her feet were sore in her newly tailored shoes, she knew that exhaustion was from the years she had given to fighting for people she'd never seen who lived in cities she would never be really accepted in. She had been carrying the weight of the world and its future on her shoulders for five years now. There could never be a break, there was always someone who wanted to do it harm, and she seemed to be the only solution.

The sun reflected almost majestically off the blade.

It wasn't like she hadn't put up a fight.

Every possible power she had was being used to fight off the swarm that surrounded her. She stood her ground and accounted for every possibility. They had prepared her, trained her, and she had been in countless fights before. She'd seen everything. Except this.

The thought of a sword in this futuristic battle was almost comical. These superhuman elven creatures used every possible magical weapon against her just for her to be defeated with a medieval sword that they probably stole from a human.

The very thing the Neverseen sought to destroy had aided them in defeating its savior.

She hadn't seen it until it was too late.

Between forcefields, stun guns, fires, telekinesis, and many many more talents that the Neverseen had backing them she hadn't accounted for the silent mind.

They had to have been well trained on how to evade her powers. Maybe she was so over-exerted that she hadn't noticed. Or maybe she really wasn't as good as they thought she was. This had probably been their plan all along.

She had one main thought that ran through her mind as her death approached, a wish still unfinished.

As the arc closed, she inhaled. Closing her eyes, waiting for its fatal strike.

But it never came.

Eyes widening, she watched as Keefe fell.

Sorry, he mouthed before hitting the ground before her.

She slipped to her knees, numbness running through her body.

"No," she whispered. "No, please! Not him, please not him!" Sophie begged as she hovered over his body.

There was too much blood, her hands were trying to cover the wound to apply pressure but it ran down her arms.

The world was spinning. She leaned over him trying to see where he was hurt and how she could help. He had to be okay, he wasn't allowed to leave her, not like this.

He wouldn't open his eyes.

The screams surrounding her rang through her ears and she was vaguely aware of their familiarity. It was like everything had gone still. Like the air had been sucked out from around them. The loss coursing through her body was to a degree she had never felt before. She hadn't felt so out of control in her entire life. Pain exploded behind her eyes as grief overtook her.

She crumpled into obscurity.

Voices pulled her from the darkness. They sounded rushed and distant.

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