Sit With It

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(This is part two to 'Not Yours', as requested. If you haven't read it please go back a few chapters so it makes sense)

They sat there in shock facing one another as they all took in what had just happened. Sophie's deceit, Keefe's profession of love, and both of their exits had caused quite the shock of silence in the room. Had Sophie just...given up? Fitz was pacing back and forth, seething with anger, Dex stood quietly with his arms crossed. Edaline was pale and Grady looked like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. The councilors stood there and tried to hide their surprise. Everyone needed to absorb what Keefe had just told them. 

Alina was the first to speak, "What did he mean when he said she gave up, why wasn't she talking to us?"

Fitz's head snapped up, "What the hell? Did you seriously not understand a word he said to you!"

"How did they pick you to be on the council," Dex muttered.

Alina's face turned red. She opened her mouth to defend herself but Forkle stood up and shook his head.

"I hate to say it but, Keefe may be right". He went to elaborate but Dex interrupted him.

"Oh come on," Dex said. "I know that you all hate it whenever teenagers are right about something but can't we all agree that you guys don't have any more experience fighting the Neverseen than we do. You can't disregard our opinions because of our age, being teenagers doesn't make getting killed by the Neverseen any less real. Keefe was right, we are losing Sophie. You guys control her actions, ridicule her decisions, and disregard her opinions for the very job you made her to do. If you wanted an adult to lead you through this war you never should have brought a child into it".

Fitz and Dex stood in front of the group with confidence. Forkle sighed and sat down. 

Alina went to speak again but this time a new voice joined in.

"You have to admit that we would not have gotten this far if it hadn't been for all of the kids," Grady agreed. Edaline looked at him shocked. "I mean, come on. We are supposed to be some of the smartest creatures to have ever lived and you're telling me you can't see all the progress that has been made with this group of kids alone. As a father, as Sophie's father, I can honestly say that it was terrifying to know that she was as powerful as she was at 14. She was brought into the world with no purpose other than to stop a war. She's smart, strong, capable, and we seem to forget that sometimes. They're almost all 18 now, adults! We should have noticed Sophie pulling away," he looked at Edaline. "We all should have noticed that distrust was building, not just with Sophie but with all the kids. It may not have been intentional but as long as we see ourselves as the adults in control of the situation we will lose it. As much as I don't like the idea that Sophie went to that b-no, that she went to Keefe when she needed someone to talk to, I'm glad she hasn't given up on all of us. Not yet".

Fitz smiled at Grady while Dex looked at him in awe, never before had he seen his uncle defend them so passionately, and with so many words. It had given the councilors a moment of pause but Alina still looked unconvinced. There was a silence while it looked like the councilors were having a telepathic discussion. Eventually, Bronte gave Dex and Fitz a smile before the silence was broken.

"We have decided to dismiss any misdemeanor charges against Sophie for her," he cleared his throat, "solo mission". 

Edaline smiled and hugged Grady.

Oralie stepped forward, "We have also decided that it is in our best interest, and Sophie's, to have a meeting with kids," Dex rolled his eyes. "Sorry," she retorted with a sarcastic smile, "adults, and the Black Swan to figure out a new way of moving forward that allows you all to be more involved and to be more heard. We understand how much work you have put into helping us and we need to appreciate that more. While not all of us agree," she looked at Alina, "We are going to try to do our best to move forward so communication stays open and situations like this don't come up again".

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