Saying Goodbye

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"What do you mean you have to go?" Dex said in shock.

Keefe sighed, knowing this was going to be a hard conversation, and put his bag on the ground. "What I mean is, I can't stay in the Lost Cities right now. The black swan doesn't want me to do anything, my dad has been riding my ass, and I'm sick of it. I need to take some time to figure myself out."

The group looked at him with weary eyes, all of them understanding his struggle but not wanting him to leave.

Fitz took a step forward and made a stern face, "this is only for a little while, right? A week, maybe a couple?"

Keefe, hearing the anxiety peak through his best friend's voice, looked away and nodded. Everyone seemed to relax a little at that and relief fell over Fitz.

"Well, I guess you're ready to go. We wish you the best of luck Keefe!" Biana exclaimed.

Keefe made a noncommital noise, still looking away, "yeah almost ready. I just have one more thing I have to do."

Suddenly Keefe heard Tam start to laugh and snapped his head up, confused.

"You haven't told Sophie yet have you?"

His cheeks turned pink as he shook his head no, "I was going to tell her later."

"Tell me what later?" Sophie asked as she came into the room.

Keefe whipped around as Dex patted his shoulder, "good luck buddy."

"Sophie! You weren't supposed to be back yet!"

Sophie looked at him confused, "I finished my work up early and thought I'd come hang out. Why, is something wrong?"

Keefe rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about how he should phrase his next words.

"Why do you have duffle bags?" Sophie asked, noticing them for the first time.

Tam laughed again.

"I..." Keefe started, "I've decided to move out of my Dad's house."

Sophie's eyebrows shot up, "Oh that's wonderful Keefe!" She looked around and noticed the pained faces, "Why is everyone so sad? What am I missing?"

"I'm not moving into the Lost cities, I'm going to go away for a little while"

Sophie looked at him confused, "Away from us away? Why would you do that?"

He sighed again, "I'm not needed here right now and I need some time to figure myself out."

"What do you mean you're not needed here, of course we need you here."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, we do."

"No, you really don't. All of you have been so helpful fighting back against the Neverseen and I have been nothing but a burden or a casualty," Keefe huffed, angry at himself.

Sophie stepped closer to him, "Keefe you have never been a burden to this group. You of all people should know how much we need you here." She glanced nervously at the other watching them and lowered her voice, "how much I need you here."

"Come on Sophie," Fitz said softly, "he'sonly going away for a couple of weeks, he'll be back."

She stared at Fitz and then looked down at Keefe's bags. "What, are you dumb? Look at his bags, have you ever seen Keefe bring more than one bag whenever we hideout somewhere with the black swan? He literally only wears 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. All the stuff that he needs for a month fits into a backpack. No," she turned to give Keefe her full attention again, "he's planning to be gone for a long time."

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