please don't go

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Everyone was celebrating. They did it! They had defeated the Neverseen. they were exhausted, sweating, and dirty as hell but none of them cared as they cheered and hugged each other knowing the bloodshed was finally over. Sophie had saved the day and defeated the only people that stood in the way of the planet's destruction. Among the crowds of people running around celebrating, Keefe was looking for Sophie so he could kiss her with the amount of overflowing happiness bubbling inside of him. When he found her she turned to him and smiled. He ran and scooped her up into his arms so he could spin her. She laughed and grabbed his face and kissed him, happy tears rolling down the sides of her face.

"Keefe!" She tried to shout over the crowd. "Let's get out of here, somewhere quieter". He agreed and brought her, still in his arms, to light leap off the field where she had saved the world to a small lake he had promised to bring her to when the war had ended. He placed her on a bench and they sat next to each other in peace for the first time in their teen lives.

"It's over, it's really over," he sighed as he looked over at her. She smiled half-heartedly as she moved her hand from her side to reveal a deep gash in her side. Keefe bolted up.

"Woah we need to get you to Elwin! Sophie why didn't you tell me before!"He searched his pockets for his leaping crystal but she put her hand over his to stop his search.

"Keefe, sit down," she said calmly trying to pull him back on the bench.

"No! We need to get you to a doctor, Sophie you're hurt!" He resisted until he saw the gash a little closer. There was a faint greenness to it that created a pit in his stomach. "No..."

"Keefe" Sophie tried again.

Tears were welling in his eyes, "No no no no no. She couldn't have. We destroyed it. We made sure she couldn't hurt anyone with it. How-"

"She had another we didn't know about. Before I could," she paused and shut her eyes. "Before I could stop her she uncovered the other sculptor and hit me. I was able to break this one too but not before... well you know."

"There has to be something Elwin can do, I know we couldn't save her first victim but but -" Sophie cut him off before he could continue and brought him down to the bench with her,

"It's okay Keefe, I knew I was getting too lucky to survive that many battles. There's no way to heal me and I need you to accept that ok? Because I can't die with false hope. I need you to be here with me, right now, and let me be peaceful until the end". She could see the tears starting to fall over his face. She reached her hand to his face and wiped them away, leaving her hand holding his face. "I love you Keefe Sencen. Thank you for taking me here". 

"That's why you wanted to be alone, isn't it. You didn't want them to try to save you. You knew it was hopeless." He brought her on top of his lap and pressed her into him. She nodded and he could see she was finally at a loss for words. "You did it though, you saved the world. Now our friends will be able to live their lives to completion."

She smiled and relief came across her features. "I know, it was worth it."


She frowned and turned towards him to see him break into sobs, "No it wasn't Sophie Foster. You were my good thing. The only good thing I had going for me. We were supposed to win this war together and get married. I was supposed to see you walk down that aisle in your white wedding dress. You were supposed to have your sister be your maid of honor and I was supposed to be able to put my ring on your finger. We were going to share your last name and I was supposed to watch out kids at home while you were at work fixing our cities to make everything better. That's what you do Sophie Foster, you make everything better." His voice cracked, "We were supposed to grow old together and watch our kids become the best people in the world because they were raised by you. I was going to make you mallowmelt every day and you were supposed to burn everything you tried to cook." She laughed and realized she was crying too. 

"It wasn't worth it," he breathed. "I would rather fight every day if it meant keeping you by my side. I would win every war with you until the adults came to their senses, and if they didn't, then I would fight with you until we were too old to fight anymore. I would rather die in battle with you then live forever with only memories."

She held him shakily as they cried, mourning a future they would never have. 

"I love you so much, Sophie Foster. Please, please, don't leave me"

"Remeber me, Keefe. Live the rest of your life to the fullest, even if that means falling in love again," she shook her head at him as he tried to object. "I am going to die and I need to know that you will be ok. That with your gift of seeming endless life, you will keep the world good even though you know it hasn't been. If I had a choice, I would do it all again and you need to know that. I would never wish to have another life even if it meant I would live because I would never want one that doesn't have you in it. Nobody has loved me the way you have Keefe, and for that, I am more thankful than you will ever know that I was able to love you the way you have for me. I will not go peacefully, how could I without you, but I want you with me until I do so I can know that every last breath was with you".

They held each other for a long time, Sophie's breath slowly becoming shorter and more painful. With a final kiss, Sophie laid back down and closed her eyes. "I love you". Keefe held her until he knew she was gone, crying until he was strong enough to bring her body back to the cities.

When he arrived everyone was already there, wondering where they had been until they noticed Sophie's limp body. Keefe crumbled into a mess as Edaline gasped and Grady froze. Suddenly everyone was thrown into hysterics as they understood what happened, seeing the green cut in her side. It took hours to file everyone home so they could properly arrange for Sophie's funeral.

A few days later they had the planting ceremony under the tree that already grew for her. Keefe arrived in black, a stark contrast to everyone's traditional green. The ceremony was long, filled with cities of people who she had saved. Fitz and Biana had speeches and Edaline cried while everyone held her. No one seemed to know what to say to him, they had loved her but she had loved him. He was alone in the world again, the love of his life beneath their feet. He tried to avoid beating himself up, learning from Sophie's words to him, but couldn't help wishing he had a few more days with her. When everyone finally left, he sat under her already developed tree and stared at the brown flowers that were mixed with the yellow leaves. Yes, her tree was seemingly dull to her when she had told him about it. He disagreed. Sure, the trees around him were filled with blue and purple flowers; but her's stood out once again with its brown flowers that brought the only diversity to the forest. A young girl came and sat next to him, he recognized her as Sophie's human sister and felt the grief she was pulsating. 

"You were her boyfriend, right?" She said curiously. "Keefe. Keefe... um," she tried to remember his last name.

"Se-" He stopped himself, "Foster. Keefe Foster." 

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