Foster Fighters

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The moon was nearing the center of the sky as Sophie laid against Keefe on their blanket. The week had been busy and it was the first time in a while they had time with just each other. The summer heat from the day left the night air perfectly cool against the warm grass. 

"This is going to sound dumb but... is okay that it's just me?" Keefe prompted. 

"What do you mean?" Sophie asked surprised by the question. She could tell he was nervous despite his calm tone, she could feel his heart beating quickly beneath where her head leaned against him.

"I mean," he paused to collect his thoughts, "dating me. All you get is me, and I know that's the point and everything, but you don't get the extended family or anything. I'm an only child with two lousy parents. I know it must be hard coming from a good-sized family with a cat to being adopted and not having any relatives anymore. If we were to ever-"

His breath hitched.

"If we were to get married, you wouldn't get anything besides me. No new family, no family traditions, no normalcy."

Sophie sat up and turned to face him sternly, "Keefe, how could you ever think I would need anyone besides you. You're not just enough, your more than enough! You should know better than anyone that family is so much more than blood."

She grabbed his hands.

"Yes, we will have to make our own traditions but that doesn't mean you aren't bringing anything to this relationship. In my eyes, you are one of the best people I have ever had the privilege to know. You are unwaveringly loyal, empathetic, kind, and forgiving. You have almost always been there when I needed you not just because you cared but because you understood. It's hard to describe how much I love each part of you. I love how you take the time to remember all of your friends' favorite foods. I love how you stick your tongue out when you draw. I love that look you get in your eye when you look at the ocean; like if you had a boat at that moment you would sail away and make a new life for yourself just for the adventure. I love...," Sophie's breath hitched as she glanced at their intertwined hands. "I love how you love me, like you'd love me no matter how I came. You love me so passionately that I feel giddy just thinking about your smile. When you hug me I can feel you holding me together because you don't want to let go. I know you love me like that because I feel the same way. I love you so much that if you were the only thing the universe left me with I'd know I've won the lottery."

He gave her a lopsided smile and leaned in to kiss her forehead. 

"I don't deserve you, Foster," he murmured, closed his eyes, and touched his forehead to hers.

"Keefe," Sophie insisted, "you deserve the world and everything good in it."

She placed a quick kiss on his nose.

"Not to mention all the issues I bring to our relationship," she giggled.

It was his turn to look confused.

"Don't pretend like we are sitting out here in the middle of the night for nothing. There a quite a few people out for my head, not to mention the whole 'unmatchable' thing. We might not even be able to get married if we wanted Keefe." She gave him a sad smile, "I don't know who my father is and I can't ever reveal who my mother is. We wouldn't just be a bad match we'd be outcasts. Plus I'm not sure bringing kids into this world with all my freaky genes is a good idea."

Keefe gave her a lopsided smile and ran his hand through her hair, "any kid that gets to call you Mom is already ten times better off than any other kid I know."

She blushed and looked at the grass.

"Not to mention how crazy powerful they'd be, imagine! They'd be just like those superhero comics you brought me! We could give them little capes and call them something cool like the Foster Fighters!" Keefe made fists and struck a pose.

"Oh, they're taking my last name huh?" Sophie laughed. She knew he was joking to ease the mood but she wanted to run with it.

Keefe smirked, "Of course! I'm determined to end my father's legacy any way I can. Plus Keefe Foster sounds so much better than Sophie Sencen, unless you're determined to show off to everyone that you bagged the best suitor of the generation."

"Wow, you really figured this all out, thinking about it a lot 'bEsT sUitOr oF tHe GenErAtiOn'?" she teased as she poked him in the ribs.

"Oh yeah," he smiled at her. "Did you realize that you are the only elf in the world with your last name? You're the first of your kind and it'd be a shame to end such a beautiful bloodline just for my father's last name. It makes much more sense for me to take yours so you can start your own family bloodline."

His confidence in their future caught her off guard. His love for her always shined through all of his jokes. While they were not new to this emotion something about this moment felt so incredibly right that Sophie knew there wouldn't be anyone else besides him. She didn't know everything about elves and their traditions but she had always grown up knowing that people fell in love often. That when one love leaves another will eventually come and bring something new. But this? Some people got one great love and she knew that the bewitching boy in front of her was it for her.

"It would be an honor to give you the title of 'Second Known Elf Named Foster' Keefe," she grinned as he leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you," he whispered as they laid back down in the moonlight.

"I love you too," she murmured back, placing her head once again above his heart.

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