The Conversation

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*Legacy and Stellarlune Spoilers*

Sophie knew when she had admitted her feelings to Keefe that there was going to be some evident backlash from the people close to her. Nothing too serious but she knew Biana had a crush on Keefe in the past, though Sophie was pretty sure her feelings had moved towards another boy in their group. Forkle wasn't keen on her dating in general. Her parents would have to get used to Keefe being around, though she was more worried about Grady than Edaline. She was going to have to get used to seeing Keefe's dad more. That wasn't something she was looking forward to.

Sure their relationship was a shock, she avoided looking at Della and Alden when they found out, but everyone was overall very supportive.

Then there was the more obvious obstacle: Fitz. 

Sophie knew when she told Fitz she no longer wanted to date him and just be friends, he had hung a lot of hope on her excuse of being too busy for a boyfriend. She hadn't fully told him that the reason they had originally broken up, her refusal to tell him her mother's identity so she could become matchable, had shown her that his line of thinking didn't match up with hers. She was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to date someone with such different fundamental morals about how people and elves deserved to be treated. She hadn't communicated that with him as well as she could have.

Fitz was so angry and disappointed.

Sophie knew that her relationship with Keefe would change how the elves around her saw her, but she hadn't realized how much it would distance Keefe from his friends. Well, his best friend really.

"Keefe?" Sophie murmured.

"Yeah," he answered absentmindedly, eyes closed. They were cuddled in the hammock near the Panakes tree, slowly swinging in the breeze.

"I think you should talk to Fitz."

His body stiffed beneath her. "Did he say something to you? I wish I could have been there when you guys had your cognate training thing after we kissed, Fitz doesn't take things well."

Sophie huffed out a breath, "That's for sure. But- no, he didn't say anything I didn't expect. He's starting to become... predictable when it comes to these things."

She felt Keefe relax. He ran his fingers along her arm in a soothing slowness.

"But I don't think our relationship should ruin your friendship with him."

His eyes popped open, concern evident. "First thing, Foster, our relationship didn't ruin my friendship with Fitz. So don't blame yourself, being honest about your feelings is always the right thing to do. Even if that's something I'm still working on. Fitz and I have been on the outs for a while now, it's not your fault. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and while our timing wasn't perfect, I wouldn't change a thing."

She smiled, comforted by his words. "Still, you two should clear the air. You'll have to work together for the foreseeable future and you were so close, it's worth it to try and keep that."

He sighed, "You're right, it's just something I've been putting off."

She turned her head to give him a kiss on the cheek, "You deserve to have your best friend back Keefe, you deserve every happiness."

His cheeks turned red. They had a conversation recently about letting Sophie compliment him without him denying it and as much as he wanted to protest, he had to agree that it was helping his self-esteem a little.

"I'll meet with him tomorrow after school, he'll be in a good mood."

He could feel Sophie relax and he pushed the endeavor out of his mind to focus on the girl resting beside him, enjoying the moment.

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