Party AU Part 7 - Christmas Short

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Sophie looked out the frosted window at the snow tumbling through the sky. It was a picturesque morning, one that would have been perfect if she hadn't felt so guilty. When Keefe had suggested they go on a trip up to the snow for the holidays she had wanted to refuse, it seemed very expensive and she still felt uncomfortable having him spend so much money on her, even if he was her boyfriend. He told her that he wanted to be with her the first time she saw snow and that they could borrow his family cabin.

But then she remembered the rather harsh phone call she had overheard between Keefe and his father and wondered if this was more for him than for her. Maybe he just needed to get away from his family and ultimately, she agreed to go with him, excited to spend the holiday away from the school campus.

She heard a door creak open as Keefe walked out of the bedroom with a yawn. He looked at her and smiled, "You got to see the first snowfall!"

Sophie wanted to laugh at his bedhead but returned the smile.

"I did. Thank you, Keefe."

He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as they looked out the window.

"Thank you for coming Sophie, I know we've only been dating for six months but I really appreciate you being here with me."

She watched another snowflake fall. She might have been uncomfortable with the price of the trip but ultimately she was glad she could be here for him.

She turned and gave him a quick kiss.

"Thank you for bringing me, Keefe. I'm happy to be able to spend this time with you."

She pulled away, "Wait here, I have something for you."

He gave her a curious look as she walked to the bedroom and grabbed a box from her duffle bag. 

"Here," she handed it to him, "it's not much but I thought you might like it."

Keefe sat down and broke open the wrapping paper to reveal the set of colored pencils.

"I know you already have a lot of art supplies but I heard these are supposed to be good, Biana uses the same brand to draw out some of her fashion designs."

He gave her a big smile, "I love it, Sophie. Thank you!"

He stood, "My turn."

He went to the room and came out with a thin package. "Merry Christmas Sophie."

She opened the brown paper to find an old copy of Hamlet.

"I know you already have one from school but I added a little something extra."

He gestured for her to open it. She flipped open the book to see little annotations in the margins of the pages.

"Oh Keefe, I..."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "hopefully you can read the handwriting, I know it can be hard to understand."

"Keefe this is... the best gift I have ever received. I don't know what to say to convey how much I appreciate this."

He smiled and pulled her into a hug, "I'm glad you like it, Foster."

"Now," he pulled away. "Let's make some hot cocoa!"

The rest of the day was spent in a dreamy haze of hot chocolate and snowball fights, ending with a movie by the fire.

Keefe had spent a good 15 minutes trying to decide on the best Christmas movie and Sophie, nice and warm cuddled by his side, fell asleep quickly after the movie began. He studied her blonde hair and wished he could see those beautiful brown eyes. 

"I think I'm falling in love with you Foster..." he whispered.

She dozed peacefully against him.

"I know I've told you that before but... I think this is the permanent kind. I don't think I'll be able to fall in love like this again." He moved the blanket over her. "Not that I'd want to.

It scares me a little, I don't know how to be good at this. I've never seen two people be in love properly, my parents were no example for me. But if this is how I felt for the rest of my life? Then maybe I am doing something right."

The snow kept falling and when the movie finished he carried her to bed and tucked them in. For the first time on Christmas he had shared the holiday with someone he loved and all those Christmas songs started to make sense. It did feel magical, and he never wanted that feeling to stop.


A/N: A little something special for the holidays, hopefully this time of year feels magical to you and if it doesn't I hope you know that someday it will.

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