Pink Priorities

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There it was, her belly button was definitely pink.

Sophie was going to be sick. Which, suddenly, started to make a lot of sense. They hadn't planned for this, they had been careful and taken the proper precautions. It's not that they didn't want kids but it's always nice when things were part of the planned course of time. Honestly, she had been given her fill of surprises and wasn't excited by the concept anymore. They literally had forever to have a family, there had been no rush. The plan had always been to wait a while after the wedding before they started this chapter of their life. 

And what a wedding it had been. Sophie always thought she would be stressed by the idea of a wedding growing up. Her sister had always admired the big ball gowns and the huge cathedrals, she had always talked about how she was going to have the classic big white wedding. Sophie had never dreamed of such a big event, she had always assumed that if she did get married it would have to be a small affair to avoid the embarrassment of being the center of attention for so long.

Turns out when the time came around, she had been the calm one of the two. Despite the fact that she and Keefe had a small amount of family, it became quite a big affair. After saving the world time and time again, they had become something of celebrity status in the elf world. They decided everyone deserved to celebrate returning to normal and allowed the councilors to turn the event into something of a publicity stunt to get morale in the cities back up by inviting almost everyone that wanted to come. Certain people the couple did not wish to see were encouraged to stay home.

Yet Sophie had kept a level head and bore it all with grace. Maybe it was the maturity after going through hell and back. Maybe it was finding the love of her life in her best friend. Maybe something inside her knew that it was okay to let people celebrate her finding happiness, even if her original family couldn't be with her. But she let the wedding planning go by smoothly and didn't stress over the small details. 

Keefe on the other hand would be what the human world would call, a bit of a bridezilla. Where Sophie didn't care about the specificities of the types of flowers or the size of the dinner plates, Keefe had strong opinions on what flowers were what he deemed good enough and was quite concerned about using plates that would clank too loudly with all the people that were going to be in attendance. It helped that the wedding planner was the one he had to give his decisions to, it was almost comical to watch as he argued over the type of fabric for the table clothes.

She was in love with him and she had been glad he had such strong opinions on their big day, it allowed her to relax and give him leave on something he wanted to do. The only real decision she had made was her dress.  Elves had their own traditions about weddings, and while they had followed most of them, there were two things she insisted upon: she would wear white, and Grady would walk her down the aisle. After arguing with a few unsavory council members, they conceded. Edaline, Biana, and Sophie met with one of Della's designers and had a custom dress made for her. 

While it had been weird getting married with traditions she wasn't used to in front of a ton of strangers, overall she looked back on the day fondly. It had been beautiful, Grady and Edaline both shed a few tears, her friends by their side, and she had married Keefe Sencen. What could have been better?

They honeymooned in Paris where she showed Keefe famous human works of art. They went to museums, beaches, restaurants, and danced under the stars. It had truly been the beginning of something wonderful.

Now, she stood in the bathroom looking at her stomach as she saw her now protruding belly button. She took a deep breath. It was just a little sooner than planned, and now that she had processed the reality of the situation, she allowed herself to be excited. They were going to be parents! As daunting as that is, she knew they would be ready.

Keefe was made to be a dad, between his never-ending energy and his observant compassion he was going to be wonderful. While they both had their ups and downs in childhood, they knew they could give this baby a happy and beautiful home.

She took a deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Keefe?" she called, walking down the hallway of their home.

"Yes darling," he replied from the kitchen.

She peaked her head around the corner and looked at him, making sure to keep her shirt properly covering her stomach.

"I have some news, you may want to sit down." 

He stopped washing the dish he was holding and gave her a worried look, "is everything okay?"

Sophie smiled, "yes everything is okay I promise, now sit."

Keefe moved to the kitchen table and looked at her expectantly.

"Well," Sophie lifted up her shirt, "I'm pregnant!"

Keefe's jaw dropped as he stared at her belly button. "Babe are you serious," he said with excitement.

She bit her lip and nodded, unable to contain her smile.

He stood up with the widest smile and spun her around, "We're going to be parents!"

Sophie giggled, "careful! careful!"

He stopped and slowly put her down, "oh yeah." Keefe's smile could only be described as megawatt. He leaned down to kiss her, "You're going to be such a good mom Foster."

"You're going to be the perfect dad Keefe." She smiled and he held her in his arms. "I know this is earlier than expected and we weren't quite ready yet but we're going to be alright aren't we Keefe?"

He looked into her eyes, his face the gentlest picture of love, and said, "I wouldn't have it any other way, Sophie."


A/N: This was suggested by @k0tlcandpj0andtsitp. Thank you for the suggestion!

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