Music Short

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{Sorry I haven't updated in a while, no excuses. Also, I recommend reading this with sad music on in the background just for the fun of it. Like the sad songs from Mamma Mia lol}

Sophie sat there, right under The Panancks tree. Her earbuds shoved in playing softer sadder music for once while watching the sunset. It was peaceful, relaxing, and good. She held her knees crossed in front of her chest. After everything that had been happening, she took this moment to let her emotions go, to think through everything going on without the pressure to figure them out or explain them. No, this kind of thinking was pure and easy. Easy, yet difficult. Difficult to understand the truth, the lies, and the complicated feelings. But easy to let it out. 

After a particularly sad song, she laid down and cried. Not a loud, desperate kind of crying that happens after a loved one leaves or when you just can't take it anymore. No, that's a special kind of wet anger that appears after surely traumatic events. This was quiet, soft. The kind that only happens to people who have to stay strong. People who bottle it up inside. Those who take the hits for others, the ones who stay strong because they know people look towards them for strength and comfort. The leaders. Leaders who learned quickly that they couldn't let out their emotions when they need to so they can keep others safe.  But the healthy way is to let them out eventually, because the bottle shatters easily when full. And when it shatters, it takes part of you with it. And Sophie couldn't give any more of herself away. She needed to let it out. But she let it out in the only way she really knew.

So as the tears rolled down the sides of her cheeks, she made no sound. She didn't feel like a leader, a hero. People died, and yeah, that happens in war. But she was the cause for most of it. People protecting her. They didn't deserve to die, she didn't deserve to live. She was just a weird mutation. No one should have this much power, sometimes it was too much. Too much responsibility for a teenager. But she needed to fight this fight, and she would. But people come first and at this moment, she knew she wouldn't flinch at the possibility of giving her life for someone else. The silence gave her thoughts room to flow, room to leave.

Her hands grabbed at the grass, tearing it slowly from the ground. Her heart pounded and the tears formed a wet spot at her chin, soaking into the collar of her shirt. She closed her eyes tight and listened to the music, carrying her through this moment. She let out a small sob, her grasp tightening on the ground. Her breath was shallow now, quickly inhaling as she let out the sobs that were still quieter than a small cough. Her arms started to wrap around her torso, holding onto herself as she cried. All the pain, grief, and emotions being released at once. 

She felt a new set of arms slowly, almost hesitantly, wrap around her from the side. She kept her eyes closed, still crying, knowing exactly who it was. She wasn't surprised either, he knew her the best emotionally wise. He knew she would be here. She leaned into Keefe, not even trying to explain. He didn't ask. He just held her, tight. 

Sophie started trying to calm down, she knew he must feel what she felt and didn't want him to go through it. She looked up at him and tried to look sorry. His eyes were watering and he looked like he was in pain. 

"Here," she said wiping away her tears and sitting up. "Wanna share?"

She held out one of her earbuds.

He grabbed it and started listening, scooting her next to him. She put her head on his shoulder and looked at the orange sky. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"We're going to be ok"

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