Party AU Part 4

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She took a moment to study his face. His face was calm and soft, lacking his trademark smirk for a more innocent facade. His blond hair was messed up from their rendezvous last night. Last night. The thought of it brought a blush to her cheeks, she had never felt so much giddiness with another human being. She took this moment to slowly remove herself while trying to let Keefe sleep.

She was unsuccessful

"Goodmorning Foster"

He opened his eyes slowly and looked at her with a goofy grin. " Last night was fun."

Sophie threw the nearest pillow at him but smiled as he laughed at her gesture.

"We should probably head back to school soon," She said as she started to sit up.

"Can't we stay like this just a little bit longer," Keefe groaned, pulling on her waist to bring her back onto the bed.

"Isn't your Dad coming back today to check on the house?" She questioned. Keefe sat up with a jolt and started getting ready and grabbing his stuff. "That's what I thought."

"Hey, I'm saving both of us by leaving before my Dad gets here." He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the house to his car. Once inside he turned to her with a big grin, "We really should stop making such a habit of leaving my house in a rush."

"Not my fault your party sucked," Sophie mocked.

"Not my fault your roommate left you behind," Keefe countered, still smiling. Sophie stuck her tongue out at him.

"Alright alright, drive Mr. Hostshot"

"Anything for you my dear"

They rode for ten minutes before arriving at the school's main campus. Sophie stretched when she got out of the car and thought back to last night. Did that really happen? Did she, Sophie Foster, just spend the entire past few days with a guy and then sleep at the boy's house and- Her thought process was cut off when Keefe asked:

"What's your plan for the rest of the week look like."

She thought for a minute and then turned back to him, " Probably study, clean my room, get some chores done. I'm a little behind on one of my projects, I didn't really account for," She paused trying to think of the best way to describe meeting Keefe.

"You didn't account for meeting a wildly handsome stranger at a party and having the best week of your life with him," He smirked at her and grabbed her hand.

She knew her cheeks were turning red but that didn't really matter at the moment, "I didn't expect to have to clean your mansion of a house"

He laughed, "Just another perk of being with the Keefester"

"Please don't refer to yourself as that"

"Alright, I'll settle for your one and only for now"

Sophie paused, she hadn't thought much past last night, much less what it meant exactly.

"Hey," He looked over at her. "What are we exactly?"

"Well," Keefe started. "I believe we're homo sapiens but I'm open to suggestions"

She shoved him while he laughed, "No seriously what is this," she gestured to both of them. "And if you say humans I will hurt you."

"I was thinking, hoping really, that we could be what some call: Official." They had stopped walking and he was facing her. He looked a little nervous behind his otherwise perfect exterior, it made Sophie sure of what came next.

"Alright, boyfriend and girlfriend it is then"





They looked at each and started laughing. After finally making it back to her dorm, she let them in and started to organize what she needed to do. Keefe took it upon himself to touch every possible thing of hers there was to touch, picking up the little doodads on her desk and setting them back down after what seemed was careful inspection. As the last few days of break flew past they set to seeing each other as much as possible while still getting work done, often meeting in the library to accomplish both. But the break soon came to an end and Sophie started to dread classes starting up again. Biana had returned the day before, squealing with delight as she found her and Keefe asleep in their dorm. While Keefe loved staying at Sophie's dorm when it was empty, they started to spend more time in his once everyone returned from break.

"Hey," Sophie questioned. "Why isn't Fitz here like, ever?"

Keefe turned to her from his spinning chair where he had been doing work at his desk. "Sometimes he stays the night at his parent's house during the week"

She blanched, "What? Why?"

Keefe smiled at her confusion, "He has a really great family and they don't live too far from here. I think it's only fifteen minutes out really but he likes to have both options and he has the money to do so. Plus I think his house has great cable"

"So what your saying is, this whole year, you've pretty much had your dorm to yourself"

"Yes, and might I say, I do enjoy having your company instead." She smiled and moved towards him from his bed that she had previously been lounging on.

"I enjoy your company too," She murmured as she kissed him on the forehead.

"That's a relief," Keefe said jokingly. "Here I was trying to convince you that I was a great boyfriend when all I had to do was get you in my room alone"

"Oh get over yourself"

"Oh but where's the fun in that"

"Right here," Sophie said as she pulled him closer to her closing the distance between their mouths. When they pulled away Keefe looked a little dazed.

"Jeez Foster, I forget sometimes what a good kisser you are"

"I guess I'll just have to keep doing it until you remember"

I guess you will"


Hey everyone! 1,000 reads!!!  Thank you all so much! Any new one-shot requests? I'd love to hear them!

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