Coffee Shop - Human AU

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Keefe adjusted his beanie, it just wouldn't sit right.

"She's coming in today, right lover boy?"

He jumped away from the small mirror in the breakroom and saw Ro's smirk. He could feel his face redden, "I don't know what you're talking about."

She smiled deviously, "like you haven't memorized her class schedule. We both know you only fuss with your hair on days you know you'll see your mystery girl."

He turned back to the mirror, "Jokes on you, I always adjust my hair. It's my best feature and people tip more when it looks like this."

She laughed, "Just admit it, you're head over heels for her. I see the way you jump on the cash register every time she walks in. Half the time you're supposed to be on the drive-through and the line gets all backed up while you take her order and flirt with her."

"I do not flirt with her," Keefe mumbled. "Besides, I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend." With that, he moved to walk past Ro but was stopped by her small, but burly, frame blocking the door. Keefe had almost a foot on her but anyone who knew Ro knew not to mess with her. If he had to bet on anyone in a fight, it would be Ro, and he wasn't going to test that theory. 

"Come on Keefe, we've known each other for years. I've never seen you get this excited by anyone and I think she likes you too. The way she always compliments the weird pins you wear on your apron and how she always talks to you when she picks up her drink." Ro looked at Keefe seriously, "You should ask her out."

He sighed, "But what if I make it weird and she has to reject me? Or even worse! What if she doesn't feel like she can come back for coffee anymore because the weird barista asked her out and she has to drive 30 minutes farther for her coffee and ends up failing her finals because she doesn't want to be hit on to get caffeine."

Ro looked bewildered and just sighed, "You really need to lay off the free drinks Keefe." But stepped away from the door and let him pass.

Keefe walked up to the bar and started making drinks, Ro's words may have been tough but maybe there was some truth to them. He shook his head, the rush wasn't for another half hour. He wouldn't have to worry about it until then, Sophie always came in with the other college students who got out of their 3:30 classes.

While it was still slow, he started doodling on one of the cups. it became a sort of tradition last semester after Sophie had mentioned she liked elephants and he drew one on her cup before handing her order over. The way her smile lit up her beautiful eyes never left his brain and he had been giving her a small animal doodle every time she came in.

As students started flooding in, he set the cup aside and worked the machines. It seemed like there were more people in this rush than usual but he was still able to spot her blonde hair as she walked in behind one of the larger groups. He hoped on Ro's register, gaining an eye roll but she moved to work the machines like usual. 

Sophie approached the counter and ordered her usual coffee and croissant, Keefe always made sure there was always one left from the morning rush. 

"How are you?" She smiled as he typed in the order.

He gave her a dazzling smile in return, "It's been a little busier than usual but seeing you makes it much better."

She blushed and he wondered if Ro was right and he should just come out with it when a guy behind Sophie yelled, "Stop flirting and get on with it, we have midterms to study for!"

Keefe glared at him as he handed Sophie's card back and she scurried out of the way, so much for that plan.

He continued taking orders until Ro could switch with him again but with the midterm rush, he couldn't leave to hand Sophie her cup once it was ready. He sighed defeated and watched as she walked out.

"Don't worry lover boy," Ro joked. "You'll get your chance."

Once the rush was over and they started to clean up for closing, he felt his phone buzz in his back pocket.

An unknown number said: Hey! It's Sophie, the one you drew the cute giraffe for on the coffee cup. Thanks for your number, we should hang out sometime :)

Keefe's jaw was hanging open as he gaped at the words in front of him. How had she...

"I wrote your number on her cup," Ro smiled, "the one you always set aside for her with the animal doodle."

"You did what!" Keefe said with astonishment. He stared at Ro with wide eyes.

"You're welcome," she scoffed. "We all know you needed the help."

"What if she thought I was a creep!" he said, trying to be calm.

Ro sighed, "Nobody comes in and flirts with a cashier during the rush just to think you were a creep. Plus, she said something good right?"

Keefe handed Ro the phone so she could see for herself, "She wants to hang out."

Ro let out a squeal of excitement, "I knew she had the hots for you. Point Lover Boy!"

"It should really be point Ro," Keefe joked, staring at his screen.

"True, just make sure you reply with something cute," Ro added as she moved to grab the mop.

"Oh yeah... right. Something cute," Keefe murmured as he remembered he had to reply.

Hey, it's Keefe! I'm glad you enjoyed the giraffe, maybe we could go see a real one at the zoo this weekend?

He set his phone down and tried to focus on cleaning but his heart was pounding.

Sounds good, it's a date.

He was going to faint from happiness.

"Booyah!" Ro yelled, reading over his shoulder. "Call me a matchmaker 'cause I just got you two lovebirds a date!"

"You're the best," Keefe exclaimed, twirling Ro in a hug.

"Don't get too excited now." Ro squirmed out of the hug.

Keefe put her down and took a step back, "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, just don't mess up this date. She's like, way out of your league and you two are stupidly in love with each other. You deserve to be happy."

He smiled, "Thanks Ro, couldn't have done it without you."

She laughed, "Ain't that the truth, now get over her and clean the machine so we can get out of here."


A/N: Thought I'd give you guys something cute after Keefe's existential crisis in the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!

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