Her Knight

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Disclaimer: This is a human AU and the only characters from the KOTLC are Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz. Everyone else is completely new. Also, this is very long compared to past one-shots.

He was nervous, probably more nervous than he had ever been in his entire life.

The king asked to meet with me.

Ever since he pledged his life to protect the ruler of his kingdom he had known the type of life he was going to live. Being a swordsman from birth had given him the skills to be in the king's personal guard which meant whenever the king moved, he moved. The only time he didn't see the king was when he was sleeping in the barracks after a shift change. Rise with the sun, sleep with the moon. His life was simple, he had made friends with the other guards and saw new places whenever the king traveled. He knew it was what the rest of his life was going to look like, he had promised.

At least, that's what he thought.

He entered the throne room, a room he had spent many hours in but now, entering through the main doors, he understood the power this room held as he looked at the King staring down at him from a gold and plush red throne.

"Your Highness, you requested me," Keefe spoke clearly despite his nerves, bowing with the statement. The King had given him orders many times before but always through his commander, never directly.

"Keefe, step forwards" the King requested, gesturing towards him.

He did so, still keeping a healthy distance but coming close enough that the king wouldn't have to shout.

"I'm sure you are confused as to why I requested you here today," the regal man smirked like he was aware of the unease Keefe was feeling. "I need to reassign you."

Keefe inhaled sharply, "Have I done anything wrong, Your Highness?"

The King smiled kindly, "No Keefe, quite the opposite. You are one of my best warriors and therefore I need to put you on a very special assignment."

His mind was reeling, "But I vowed my life to you, sir, you are the one I need to protect."

The King laughed, "I thought you might bring that up. You know that you served your favor in full years ago. Besides, this assignment is protecting me, just in a different way."

Keefe looked at him confused, how could he protect him somewhere else?

"I need you to protect my daughter," the King revealed, "my own heart and soul. The future of this Kingdom."

Keefe blinked as he thought this over, but there was no choice in the matter. "Of course, Your Highness, if that is your wish."

The King smiled again, this time with the thought of his only daughter, "She is against the idea and will try to shrug you off, please do a good job of sticking by her. Protect her."

"Of course sir," Keefe replied dutifully.

The regal man looked Keefe over, "Since there is no barrack close to the princess's quarters I have you in a servant's room nearby. You can use the same channels and resources just relocated."

Keefe nodded.

"You may go and pack your things, I will see to it that she is informed of your arrival."

Keefe bowed again and exited the room.

The royal princess, wow.

He hadn't spent much time around the princess even though he was assigned to the King. The princess had always met with her father in private rooms where the guards stood outside or at events where he was too far away to get any real information about her. He would have to ask the other knights if they had any advice.

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