Thursday Secrets

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It was one of those rare days where the gang decided to get together and hang out. As the years went by Sophie realized that a lot of their childhood had been stolen from them as they tried to stop a war. By the time everything started to calm down and become peaceful again, Keefe and Fitz had already graduated. Sophie, Biana, and Dex were finishing up their final days at Foxfire and their lives had never really returned to the normal they once knew. Well, Sophie had never really gotten used to going to Foxfire but she hadn't been looking forward to figuring out what to do with the rest of her endless life.

They had less time to hang out together. With their jobs and separate apartments, they moved their lives forwards. That didn't mean they grew apart, they still had Sunday dinners together to make sure they saw each other around the busy weeks, but it was very different from seeing each other every day as kids. Stuck in their permanent twenties they made lives for themselves, and Sophie wanted to make sure they still got to experience the fun they missed while fighting. 

Well, it wasn't all her.

Keefe had been pretty excited when she prompted the idea so of course, he started to tell her about all the fun things elves did in their free time. Before she knew it they were all going to crazy places and trying weird foods. They showed her their holidays and she found herself beginning to understand what it meant to be an elf, to be a part of their culture. While certain traditions still went against her upbringing, like matchmaking scrolls and fashion differences for the talented and untalented, she started to feel like she belonged.

But this weekend was her turn to pick so she decided to bring them to the beach. 

Fitz and Dex immediately ran into the ocean to see who could hold their breath longer, Biana sat on a towel to tan, and Lihn was reading under an umbrella making sure to splash Tam every time he got close to the water's edge. 

Sophie wanted to make a sandcastle and Keefe hung back to chat with her before going swimming himself. The day was nice, the sun was warm and the sea breeze kept them cool. Sophie was wearing a red one-piece and some black sunglasses that she had stolen from Keefe after realizing how sunny it was. Keefe was wearing pink swim trunks and while they hadn't been at the beach longer than maybe ten minutes, his hair was already full of sand. 

"Hey, Foster?" Keefe inquired after watching her build for a while, "What exactly are you building? No offense but it doesn't really look much like a castle if you're asking me".

Sophie huffed, "It may not be up to Elven standards but I think it looks beautiful". To be fair, she hadn't built a sandcastle in years so the lumpy tower shape in front of her wasn't even close to any building she had seen, Elven or Human.

Keefe smirked, "It's okay Foster, you can't be good at everything." He pushed some sand against a pillar that had started to fall. She gave him the stink eye and he laughed, laying back down so his head was facing her while she tried to fix what she could. 

Sophie let out a frustrated sigh and laid down near him, giving up on her creation.

"You're cute when you're frustrated you know that?" Keefe said, giving her a full Sencen smile. He rolled towards her, covering himself in sand, and put his forehead against hers.

"Oh really," Sophie smirked, "Then I guess the only way to get back at you is to stop being cute". She stood up and walked towards the water, barely wading in before Keefe caught up.

"Foster you can't stop being cute, that's like asking iggy not to snore. Impossible."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her towards him. 

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