Sneaking Around - Human AU

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Thanks for the suggestion ;) Happy Holidays, everyone!

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 "You know, you can be ridiculous sometimes!" Sophie shook her head as she put her books in her locker.

"Maybe, but I think if you really think about it the earth can be considered a ravioli," Keefe put out brightly as he leaned against the locker nearest to Sophie's. He was wearing his usual light blue hoodie paired with black jeans and red hightops. She turned and gave him an exasperated look but smiled as she met his goofy grin.

"No, hear me out. So the core is solid, sure, but it's surrounded by magma and then that's surrounded by a solid crust. Therefore, it is a ravioli as it is a liquid encased by a solid"

Sophie laughed and started to lean against  Keefe when he straightened and pushed away from her. Taking the note, she backed off and went back to her locker to pretend to finish putting her books away.

"What's up," Dex asked brightly as he approached with Fitz. Sophie tried hard not to blush, it wasn't like she was doing something wrong. She had broken up with Fitz a few months ago and while they were on good terms, she still felt a little awkward whenever she was with him. She turned to face them and closed her locker behind her, not quite meeting Fitz's eyes.

"Nothing much, as long as you ignore Keefe's ravioli hypothesis," she nudged Keefe. His eyes flickered to hers and she saw his flash of remorse and understanding as he took the bait.

This prompted Keefe to grab Dex and Fitz's arms as he led them to their next class so he could explain his brilliant thought process, leaving Sophie with a secret wink over his shoulder. The bell rang and gave Sophie an excuss to think of something else as she walked through the crowded hall towards AP Bio. It was winter so everyone was carrying thick jackets with them to all their classes and slipping on the wet linoleum floors. Sophie made sure to be extra careful as she tried not to fall and watched the ground the entire way there.

When she arrived at the class she took her seat next to Biana and got out her binder to take notes. Reconnecting with Biana was one of the most relieving things Sophie went through after the breakup. She hadn't been sure how Biana was going to react or if she wanted to choose sides. Luckily Biana had told her that she was more relieved more than anything as she hadn't wanted to become the third wheel to her brother and her best friend. After many long talks, they went back to normal, and normal meant the many makeovers and gossiping about boys. It was during one of these original sleepovers that Biana had mentioned the upcoming winter formal. Sophie's chest had tightened in remembrance of the breakup and realized that she had originally made plans with Fitz to go together. Biana noticed Sophie's reaction and placed a careful hand over her friend's. 

"You know," Biana had started carefully, "He's planning on asking someone"

Sophie hadn't been able to tell what was worse: the fact that he was able to move on so fast or the fact that a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Sure, she was glad he was moving on but she knew she would miss that gleam in his eye when their eyes met. The bigger weight that was lifted came down to one thing, Keefe. After the breakup, he had been there to comfort her and be the friend that Biana couldn't initially. It was only recently when the flirting started. She knew there was something there, but she had held back in fear of hurting Fitz's feelings. They both agreed it wasn't a good time.

"Earth to Sophie? This is Biana, Over." 

A hand was waving in front of Sophie's face as she came out of her trance of thoughts. She gave an embarrassed hello to Biana when she noticed the black and gold envelope she was holding.

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