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He knew he had stayed too long, he was usually more careful about these things. The Black Swan had warned him that the council was going to try to arrest his mom mere minutes after his mission was supposed to end but he hadn't accounted that his mom would leave her guards as she escaped. As he had been running out with his mom's diary the guards had followed him and were able to get a couple of punches in before the council showed up and arrested the guards.

Okay, maybe it was more than a couple of punches.

None of that mattered to Keefe but he groaned when he realized that councilor Alina had stayed behind.

"Well well well, what do we have here," she said as she walked over to where Keefe was lying on the floor, heels clicking.

He smirked, trying to catch his breath. The guards had definitely done some damage, he couldn't take more than a shallow breath. Anything more hurt his chest.

"Funny, I could have sworn you were supposed to be on the Black Swan's side. Trading one rebellion for another?" she smiled at him, enjoying his pained breathing.

Originally, Keefe wasn't supposed to take this mission for the exact reason of the council thinking he was connecting with his mom again but Sophie needed to help Fitz with a cognate probe and no one else was able to find what they needed. He was glad Sophie hadn't been caught like this, better for him to get in trouble with Alina, she was always trying to get Sophie thrown in Exile. 

"Look at you, finally getting real duties on the council. It may be the grunt work but I'm sure they'll let you do a real job at some point," he jested.

She frowned and he knew he had hit a sore spot. As much as Alina talked big, the council rarely let her do anything alone.

"Looks to me like you need to spend some time in Exile and remember why we don't let rebels run around doing whatever they want," she sneered.

Keefe sighed, "Come on, we both know that you know I'm not in cahoots with my mother. You're just threatening me because you're mad you don't have any power and we do. I'm sorry about your insignificance but I need to go back to headquarters and do some real work."

He started to sit up but she stepped on his sleeve, pinning his arm to the floor. Normally he would be able to shake her off but he was pretty sure he broke a rib and didn't want to make it worse.

Her eyes narrowed, "Look little boy, I know your mother experimented on you as well. As an integral part of the council, I think it's in my prerogative to make sure you don't do anything dangerous until we know what she did to you. From this moment forward, you'll be kept in Exile until we know what she did to you."

He glared at her, "You know the rest of the council won't go along with it. They're on our side."

She smiled wickedly, "You want to bet?"

Aline motioned to the guard that came with her and he bent down and cuffed Keefe's hands behind his back, smashing his face into the stone floor. Just as she was about to pull him up to transport him, the lightmaster buzzed to life and two figures appeared.

"What's going on here!" Keefe heard Sophie demand as she rushed over to him.

"It's okay Foster, get out of here!" he yelled into the floor. Sophie bent down and brushed Keefe's hair out of his face so he could see.

"Doesn't look so okay to me," Fitz murmured, coming up behind Sophie.

"Mr. Sencen has been caught aiding the enemy and must be investigated until I know he isn't helping his mother, He will be transported to Exile until he can prove he isn't double-crossing the council," Aline stated, making no move to get her guard to ease up.

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