Star Crossed

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One of the main things Sophie remembered at the end of the war were the celebrations everyone threw. Sophie had seen elven parties before, but never like this. Never the grad balls that looked like a scene straight out of The Great Gatsby. Everyone wanted to celebrate the comfort of defeating evil and everyone wanted Sophie to be at their celebration. Their big savior. She only accepted a handful of invitations, due to a lack of time and her own anxiety to large crowded situations with glitter, but the night that really stuck out in her mind had been the ball the councilors threw in honor of Sophie and her friends. Everyone had been there, talented and untalented, dancing and drinking together until dawn. 

She remembered it being hot, even though she was wearing a dress that in her opinion was not covering nearly enough, and the suffocating eyes of the world watching her. She had been hungry, too, not wanting to have people watch as she stuffed herself with the mouthwatering desserts the council had ordered for the grand event. Everyone around her gave her looks of thanks and admiration, she had done what most of them didn't believe possible. She had saved their people from utter destruction. She winced as she realized that she still referred to elves as "them" and not "her".  She may have the immortal body of an elf, but she would always hold the heart of a human. 

Another reason she didn't want to celebrate.

The fight had gone greatly in everyone's mind but her own. In their opinion, there was that word again 'their' not 'our', few lives were lost in the consequence of victory. And while it was true that they only lost two lives, an ogre and a gnome, she knew better. Sophie remembered the thousands of innocent human lives that had been slaughtered by the Neverseen in their ploy to upset and weaken her. She knew that she would, alone, carry their lives upon her shoulders and mourn their loss. 

That was her main reasoning behind insisting Biana pick a black dress for her to wear tonight instead of the red she usually preferred.  It was lovely and elegant yet simple too. The thin straps connected to two triangle pieces that connected to form the deep neckline with a long skirt that reached the floor. If she was going to celebrate the end of the war, she would do so with respect to the many lives lost that day.

Sophie heard the chime of the first song and watched as people partnered up for the waltz. She watched as Biana waved off an oncoming swarm of male suitors and reached for the hand that gave Sophie a great deal of surprise, she hadn't thought he would end up being the one to steal Biana's heart but then again, what did she know when it came to love. Sophie was fortunate enough to be hidden away in an alcove so she still had a few precious seconds before her own gaggle of boys caught up to her. She glanced at the dance floor again to watch as Prentice stood across from Lihn in wait for the beginning of the dance and smiled at the pair. She wished she could be as brave as them and dance in front of everyone like no one was watching. But everyone was watching and no one knew that she was unmatchable, or that she was in love. A flash of ice blue caught her eye and she tried not to stare as she looked at Keefe across the room. Her heart pounded and she wished for nothing more than to be able to hold him close to her, to leave the ball and be only with him. 

No one knew that she and Keefe were dating, though she suspected a couple of people close to her had figured it out. Sophie knew that if they had made their coupling official that the Neverseen would have used it against her, just as they had done with the humans' lives, that wasn't the only roadblock though. The Blackswan hadn't been kind when Fitz had become a 'distraction' and told her this after she announced they had decided to stay friends instead. But what held them back now was the Council and their silly rules. Sophie knew that she would never be matchable and that no matter how much people saw her as their hero, they would only respect her if she followed their rules. The council was pressuring her greatly to join the council to solve two of their main problems: they would gain the respect of the elves that admired her bravery and they wouldn't have to figure out what to do with her unmatchable status. So when the fighting had stopped, she wasn't able to run to Keefe to celebrate like everyone else. All she got was that quick look that told her, I love you, before returning to their group in celebration like there was nothing between them. 

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