Key to my heart

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(I know the last part didn't have a lot of Keefe so here's this as substitute)

"Marry me"

Sophie turned and gave him a bewildered look and motioned for him to get down, "What? Now?!?"

Keefe ducked as she blasted yet another guy from the Neverseen to the ground. Quickly he put his back against hers as they fought their oncoming enemies. Sophie used her telekinesis to push the crowd back as Keefe kicked another one in the jaw. They raced towards the other end of the room.

"Sure! Why not now?" There was a boom and Keefe cheered as he realized Dex's explosion went off as planned.

"Keefe, are we getting engaged in the middle of the biggest battle of our lives?!?" 

Even though he couldn't see her face he knew from the tone of her voice that she was amused. 

"Oh! There, grab the key!" Sophie gestured at the object hanging from the far wall. They ran across the room and Sophie made sure no one touched him as he climbed on top of the table to grab the dangling key.

"Well," Keefe said out of breath from running to the locked door. "Technically you haven't said yes yet." Sophie turned the key until she heard the click and pushed through the door. Once it was closed they paused to regain their breath, safe from the oncoming flock of Neverseen goons. 

Sophie looked at Keefe and noticed how dirty he was, how dirty she was. They were both covered in dirt, sweat, and blood. She started laughing, "Only you would propose in the least romantic place possible."

Keefe smirked as he feigned being hurt from her laughter and walked up to her. Putting his arms around her waist, he looked down at her and gave her a full megawatt smile. "Yes, yes I would."

Sophie smiled back and put her hands on his face, glowing when he leaned into her touch. 

"You're crazy, you know that Mr. Sencen."

"Crazy for you Ms. Foster," he whispered as he leaned down and caught her lips. Sophie leaned up and deepened the kiss. He pulled away, "Marry me, Sophie Foster. Make me the happiest elf in the world and let me be yours."

She wiped some of the dirt off his nose and smiled, "Of course I'll marry you, Keefe. "

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