The Spy - Human AU

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She was running.


The cement thundered under her shoes as she tried to get away as quickly as possible. Sophie has had a lot of life-threatening moment, to the point where this just seemed repetitive, but she could tell this was going to be a harder escape. The gun strapped to her leg bounced as she vaulted the staircase in front of her. She zigzagged through the different hallways until she found the door she was looking for. 

Quickly rushing in, she put her back against the wall next to the door and waited as the footsteps ran past until they were far enough away it was safe for her to go back the way she came. 

"You must be fun at parties," a voice from the other side whispered.

Startled, Sophie turned to the voice and pointed her gun to a blond young man sitting on a chair on the other part of the room. The building was supposed to be empty. "Who are y- scratch that. You need to be quiet."

"Hey, you're the one who came barging in with a gun," he pointed out. "Names Keefe by the way. Need any help?" He stood up and peeked out of the room to see who she was looking for.

"No, what I need is for you to get out of harms way so I can handle this without you getting hurt and causing me even more trouble." Sophie glanced over to him and saw he wasn't buying it. People were always skeptical of her talents.

Keefe smirked, "Please I'm the best shot there is on the western coast, you're going to need my help." He pulled out a gun of his own from his jacket. Sophie eyed him suspiciously, arrogant prick. 

 She creeped out of the room and turned the corner as a gunshot whizzed past her ear and ducked behind the nearest wall. She turned to find the man she had previously been chasing facing her with his gun out, already one shot taken. Quickly, she ducked behind the nearest wall and started figuring out her plan when she heard a door burst open. Keefe jumped out to shoot the man but ended up shooting the pole behind him. Sophie rolled her eyes, so much for the best shot on the western coast.

She waited for the man to turn back towards Keefe and shot him in the leg just before he let one graze Keefe's ribs. Keefe stood there for a moment, dazed, and looked at Sophie with confusion. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to run in the opposite direction as the man was clutching his bleeding leg.

"What?" Keefe started as he looked at the blood starting to seep through his shirt.

"Run," Sophie offered instead.

Keefe pressed his hand against the wound and they ran out of the complex and out to the parking lot where Sophie rushed them into a black sports car and pushed the gas as fast as the car allowed. The man had stopped following them as soon as they had gotten to the first flight of stair, his injured leg proving problematic. 

"Woah there, where are we going? You can't run away, he's still out there!" Keefe looked behind them frantically, looking for the man to pop out from behind them and kill them. 

"I got what I needed," Sophie responded as they merged onto the freeway and zipped past the slower cars going the speed limit. "No need to kill when there is no use."

"There was a use," Keefe looked back to her. "He was trying to kill you. How do you know he won't come after you."

"That would imply that he could find me again, trust me, he can't."

They rode in silence for a while until Sophie's curiosity got the better of her. "What were you doing there anyway?"

"I was investigating, just like you I suppose, but the real question is why you let me help you instead of shooting me as well," he gave her a look of disapproval. 

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