Party AU - Human AU

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If you didn't already know, parties are loud. Like, I can hear you 3 streets down kind of loud. Especially if you didn't want to come to said party in the first place and the loud bass thumping from the speakers is slowly making you deaf as you stand in the corner muttering to yourself. Sophie should have never agreed to come, but Biana insisted and she was Sophie's best friend, and roommate. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Biana hadn't abandoned her only 5 minutes in. To be fair Sophie did think the boy she was dancing with on the "dance floor" was the same one Biana had been stalking for the past few weeks, so she couldn't ruin this for her. Still, standing alone at a party sucked. Sophie escaped her corner to the much quieter kitchen to look for some snacks. If she was going to be here a while, Biana was her ride, she was at least going to get free food out of it.

When she finally dodged all the couples making out with each other or "dancing, she found herself at a mostly empty food table. The table consisted of mostly half-eaten cookies, suspicious-looking brownies, a full bowl of punch, and an empty chip bowl. Not willing to try what remained for her own safety she sighed loudly and turned around to look for a better place to wait the night out. As her fruitless search continued a boy several inches taller than her made eye contact and headed towards her.

Oh god, Sophie thought as he headed towards her. He was blond and had a smirk that could only mean trouble.

"Hey" he yelled over the music as he got close enough for her to hear. "Enjoying the party?" She could tell he was being sarcastic as she clearly didn't look like she was enjoying herself.

"Totally," she replied harshly, she just wanted a quiet place to sit. Not a loud boy who looked like this wasn't even close to the first party he had been to. "This party sucks." If possible, his smirk got bigger.

"Yeah I get that, how'd you end up here anyway?" He was holding a plastic red cup full of what looked suspiciously like apple juice. He took a big sip.

"My friend, roommate, dragged me with her but took off at the first sign of some dimpled blue-eyed boy" Could this be any more annoying?

"Dragged? I can take that you aren't much of a party person" He shifted.

"Yeah, you guessed correctly. I mean, what's so great about parties anyway? They're loud, obnoxious, deafening, and this one doesn't even have good food," she gestured behind her to the mostly empty table.

"You got a name party hater?" He asked smirking again, did he know any other facial expressions?

"Sophie," she paused and narrowed her eyes at him. "Sophie Foster, you?"

"Keefe, Keefe Sencen. You want to go somewhere quieter?" He gestured to the backyard that remained mostly empty save for a few people also looking for relief for their ears.

"Yeah, sure that'd be great." She followed him outside and they talked for about half an hour about nothing important, the news, the newest Star Wars movie, their shared disdain for brussel sprouts, and their favorite foods. Eventually, the conversation circled back around to the party topic and set Sophie back into her former sour mood.

"Are parties that bad?" Keefe asked, looking amused at her expression on the topic.

"I just don't see the point," she replied. They were sitting on the deck stairs, the backyard was nice with a big deck that overlooked a decent-sized lawn. The house connected to it was large, a 3 story building with columns and everything, but all of it seemed just a little overdone.

"I mean, if I wanted to meet new people I definitely wouldn't want to meet them in a loud dirty-" She was cut off by a loud bang as the door to the house slammed open and closed. Biana rushed towards her with a relieved look on her face.

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