Chapter 42 - Keefe

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A/N: STELLARLUNE SPOILERS AHEAD. I cannot stress this enough.

This is chapter 42 of Sterllarlune from Keefe's POV.


Well, flying through the void had been a colossal waste of time. 

Not that he was disappointed he'd done it, he was glad to have something to do. He felt terrible watching Sophie go to school every day with all her meetings and plans while he just sat around and trained with Grady. He wanted to be useful and he wanted to help her. Anything he could do to make it up to her.

Plus, flying on an alicorn was super fun. Even if Silveny kept chanting KEEFE! FRIEND! JERK!

Giving up, he led Silveny out of the void and back to the Panakes tree. As they moved closer, he noticed Sophie dozing peacefully beneath it. His heart fluttered, it had been a long time since he'd seen her so peaceful. Everything was in turmoil when he left, and she had seemed agitated around him since he'd returned. It frustrated him to no end that he couldn't really tell what she was feeling.

But why was she here? Was she waiting up for him?

The sound of them approaching must have woken her up as she jerked awake and stumbled to her feet as he landed.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, hopping off the alicorn and walking towards her. He really hoped she didn't have more bad news, she deserved some good news.

She nodded, "Yeah, I was just . . . waiting for you-and I was starting to think you weren't coming back."

Oof, well I guess I deserve that. He thought to himself, even if her tone of voice had sounded calm. Unable to look her in the eyes, he played with the edge of his cape.

"Sorry. I wanted to see what would happen if I had Silveny fly me around in the void while I talked in my mom's voice. I thought maybe if I managed to say at least a couple of the right words while I was in there, whatever she hid would come crashing towards me."

She raised her eyebrows, "Did it work?"

"Not particularly. And in case you were wondering, the void never gets any more exciting. It's just darkness and more darkness-and oh, hey, even more darkness! I'm sure Tammy Boy would love it, but man, I'm glad to see color again."

Especially when I get to see her, he thought, admiring her vibrant red tunic. Every year he swore she became more and more beautiful, no longer fidgeting in the foreign clothing but confident and comfortable with herself. He quickly glanced away, worried he'd looked too long.

"You could have taken me with you, you know. Or at least left me another note telling me where you went."

He froze. She seemed surprised by her own words, stunned as well, almost as if she had forgotten they hadn't talked about his letter to her or the things he had admitted to.

He chewed his lower lip, being around her right now without being able to read her emotions was killing him. He never really learned the nuances of reading people when it came to important feelings like this. He had always been able to touch them somehow, brush against them or 'accidentally' bump into them, when he needed to know. Of course, before recently, he had always been able to tell what Sophie had felt and he wished more than anything he knew what she was feeling right now. Was she angry, hurt, or confused? He didn't know. It wasn't fair that he had always known what she had felt and she never really knew his feelings, not in words that is.

Until now. Until that note.

He nervously raked his hand through his hair.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" she asked him, almost sounding nervous.

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