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She'd never been one to like the quiet.

Growing up in San Diego the house had always been loud. Her mom had always had the radio on when she worked and her dad liked to cook with a podcast going. Amy was easy to find just from the sounds she emitted at all times whether it was the TV, her newest celebrity obsession, or her ever-present need to close the cabinets with a slam. In a full house, there was never a dull moment. Even Morty made himself heard.

It was one of the things Sophie noticed when she first 'moved' to the Lost Cities. Edaline and Grady were very quiet people, especially in their grief. That paired with the entire floor that was only her bedroom made for a very quiet house. She could hear the birds in the morning, rain on the roof, wind in the trees. All serene and no chaos. Even the animals in the sanctuary kept to themselves at most times. No human thoughts bombarding her brain. It was devastatingly beautiful and nothing at all like her original home.

She couldn't sleep.

Around the nightmares and the ache in her heart, the silence was what really kept her up those first few nights. She adjusted to it over time but the silence kept buzzing in her mind, reminding her just what was missing. The familiarity of her mother's thoughts no longer there to keep her company in the dark. A cuckoo bird finally returned home wanting nothing more than to be returned to its beautiful lie.

All it took to fall asleep after all these years was some music off her iPod to keep her company as she drifted into dreamland, only waking up a handful of times. The silence no longer consuming but familiar once again.

It had finally turned a corner after the night she spent at the Vackers.

The sleepover wasn't much different than the ones they had in the past. Just like usually they played games and made lots of food while Sophie tried to introduce them to human music. Most of them, having not heard any kind of music like this before, gave her a polite smile and tried their best to enjoy it. Though Tam seemed into it.

Eventually, the moon would reach its height and they would make their way to bed. Sophie would inevitably wake and sneak herself into the living room where she could ride out the silence without waking anyone else.

But this time she wasn't alone.

One look at the ruffled blond hair and she knew just who it was.

Keefe was looking out the window when she entered, trying to be quiet and not disturb him. Sitting down on the other couch in the room, she tried to see why he was awake before making herself known.

Looking across at him she noticed a small line on his face reflecting in the moonlight.


The word slipped out of her mouth before she even knew she was saying it.

His head whipped around, eyes confused before landing on her.

"How did you know-" he started voice raw, wiping the tear from his face.

"I didn't know you were out here," she interrupted, "I usually come out here when I don't sleep well."

His eyebrows furrowed and he shifted so he was facing her. He shook his head, "I was going to ask how you snuck in here so well. The floorboards squeak when they shift a lot."

Glancing at the floor she bit her lip. How was she going to explain to him she memorized which floorboards creaked without sounding crazy?

"As I said, I'm used to coming out here. I don't always sleep so well." 

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