In which their map gets eaten by a mammal

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"Are you sure?!" Maaz screeches out in a really feminine voice as he turns the direction I yelled out.

"When am I not sure?" I say gulping, I'm actually never sure but my gut said left so we shall go left.

"Oh let's think..hmm what about that time when we went paint balling and I insisted you don't step around the wall because they were all there but you were like," he clears his throat and imitates a high screechy voice, "don't tell me what to do Maaz my gut says yes so I'm going. And then bam you looked like you got puked on by a rainbow."

"Hey at least I managed to still win when you were in the corner mumbling something about needing your mother!" I retort back watching as his face turns red.

"I w-wasn't mumbling about needing my mother!" He stumbles out gripping the steering wheel. "I was praying!"

I roll my eyes, "yeah praying for your mother to save you."

"No! I wa-- OH SHIT!" My head bangs against the window as Maaz stomps onto the break. "What the flying fish Maaz?! And don't curse!"

I turn my head to the road right into the eyes of a kangaroo. Shaking my head I glare at it as it hops off. "That was close." Maaz says gasping a bit.

I turn my glaring eyes to him and am about to say something when he says, "oh and technically shit is not a curse word. Shit means poop and poop ain't that bad but shit is just a manlier way to say poop. You following?"

Shaking my head I press the button to get the window to go down and say, "you will never be manly even when saying that word. It sounded like a baby cursing for the first time."

He starts the car again after rolling is eyes at me and I finally take in our surroundings, it's vast and not too much of a dessert, there are tress in sight but nothing else. Only one road that continues upwards.

"Have you ever been to Northerm?" I ask as Maaz presses on the gas making the car go faster by the second. He shakes his head, "maybe like once, this does look like the road though, can you get the map out and check?"

I nod and pull the crumpled map out from under my feet. Maaz scowls and says, "seriously you got it all wrinkled."

"Hey I was panicking alright." I mumble back, I unfold it out of its crumpled mess and am about to look at it when it's snatched out of my hand. I turn my head to the left but Maaz has his eyes in front concentrated on the road. I look down and under my seats when I realize that my window was open.

"Firetruck.." I mumble and hurriedly stick my head out the window while yelling, "Maaz stop the map flew away!" He stops the car and I feel his wrath of a death glare into my back.

"WHAT THE HELL RANIA?!" He yells pulling me by my shirt back into the seat, I smack his hand and he takes it away. "It's not my fault! It was your driving!" I stupidly say.

His eyebrow raises up and he shakes his head before looking back and driving in reverse. I stick my head out of the window again and say, "I think I see it, its stuck in that lonely barren tree."

"No need for synonyms," Maaz grumbles as he reverses the car more. He stops the car and gets out, I sit patiently as a thought rushes through my head. I should just ditch this hooligan, take the car and drive. Frick, I don't know how to drive.

"RANIA GET IT!" Maaz's shout shakes me out of my thoughts and I hurriedly get out of the car onto the dusty road. "Get what?!" I screech looking around.

"The map you buttface!" He yells running towards me. I look behind me and am met with the same looking kangaroo from before...with our map in his paws.

"How the hell do you expect me to get it from him?" I harshly whisper to Maaz as he comes to a stand beside me. The kangaroo looks like he's ready to pounce the two of us and I don't want to do anything else then just run.

"I don't know just do something, we need that map!" He whispers back. I shake my head. "We need dora the explorer that's who we need."

"You turd this is not time for jokes although I gotta admit that was a pretty nice one. But shut up. He's putting it in his cupboard thingy!" Maaz suddenly says, I slap the back of his head, "that's not a cupboard. It's called a pouch which means this kangaroo is actually a she. Oh and just putting this out there kangaroos are actually called marsupials and a female marsupials pouch is scientifically known as marsupium but then--"

"Rania shut the hell up." I cross my arms ready to blast my mouth off at him when he suddenly jumps and places his hands on his face gaping at the kangaroo. I turn to see what's happening and am met with the sight of the kangaroo hopping away.

"Awn dangnabit." I mumble placing my hand on my hip. Maaz looks like he's about to cry and I stare at him confused. "Hey calm down it's just a map."

He shakes his head before gloomily walking back to the car. "You won't understand."

I stare at him for a couple of seconds before coming to the terms that Maaz is secretly in love with maps and him and his maps shall not be messed with.

"Let's just keep heading straight." He says once I'm in the car, I nod my head and lean back into my seat.


"How long have we been driving down this road?" I mumble grouchily as Maaz yawns for the hundredth time. The sky outside is darkening and this road seems as if it's going no where. The trees finally disappeared and the only natural thing we see is sand and tiny bushes.

"I don't know, my phones in my butt pocket."

"Why don't you get it then?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Cuz' it'll take a lot of effort, why don't you get yours?"

"Cuz it's in my purse which is like a black hole and will also take a lot of effort."

"Oh well I guess we both have to just patiently wait till we get to a store or something." As Maaz says that, the car starts sputtering and rocks a bit forward then backward and then completely stops.

"No no no please no." I mumble as I watch Maaz try to restart it. He smacks the wheel and bangs his head off it again and again when the car dosn't budge .

"We either ran out of gas or the engine got too hot. Now what?" He says looking at me.

I stare back and shrug, "I don't know you tell me."

Our sighs come out simultaneously which pisses me off and I mumble out, "this is your fault." Which starts our own version of WW3 right there.



EXAMS ARE DONE THANK DA LORD I SURVIVED. We had a snow day today (thank you Canadian weather) and I thought yay finally I can update!



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