In which monkeys have their fun time

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"Have you ever wondered why people don't go camping in these parts of the dessert anymore?" Aladdin started off as Maaz and I listened closely. Abu yawned a few times before closing his eyes and falling asleep on his tiny bed.

"It all started that one night....holy cow I'm making this sound so cheesy." Aladdin said with a laugh. "Just continue, I wanna prove to Rania I'm not a wimp." Maaz grumbled sending me a death glare to which I stuck my tongue out immaturely.

"Alright, alright. Well along time ago a couple that were highly respected decided to spend some time out alone, they had everything planned, they would leave their son with his grandma back at town and they would take a stroll through the barren grounds with the sand seeping through their feet. The man and woman were brave, real brave they managed to build a succeeding town out in the dessert isolated from the world, what could they not do?"

Aladdin made the place even more dimmer as he blew out another candle. "Stop their deaths that night is what they couldn't do." I feel a slight shiver run down my spine as Aladdin says this with an icy tone.

"They had made a picnic, cosy blanket, warm food and the light of a gazillion stars shining down on them. A man comes along, all alone just walking straight towards them, the couple are confused, nobody should be out at this time. As he comes closer a glimmer of silver is shone, before the couple can even blink......HES SPLIT THEM IN HALF!" He yells, Maaz screams loudly as I jerk away and hold my backpack tightly to my chest.

"EFF YOU ALADDIN THERE WAS NO NEED TO YELL THAT LAST PART!" Maaz says quite loudly while rubbing a hand over his face. I chuckle and lightly tease, "for a second I thoug we had another girl in here." He looks at me with a glare as Aladdin smirks to himself.

"You shut up I saw the way your nearly shit yourself right there." He says with an accusing finger right in my face. I stick my tongue out at him and give a slight 'humph'

"Wait shhh do you hear that?" Aladdin whispers to the both of us, I close my mouth swallowing the rude words I was about to say to Maaz and listen closely.

"You're just trying to scare us again aren't you, well guess what Mr. My names Aladdin but I don't have a genie I'm not fal--" I grin as Aladdin shuts Maaz up by throwing some sand at him.

"No I'm serious, I've been hearing this for a few days but whenever I go out and look there's nothing there, an--" his words are cut off as a few scraping sounds.

"Pfft it's probably nothing I'll go check it out myself," Maaz states with a hearty grin on his face. Aladdin is about to protest when I say, "let him go and claim his dignity back."

Maaz mutters something about me being a brat before opening the hut door, climbing up and shutting it behind him.

"If you two arnt actually a couple how come both of you have rings on your wedding fingers...." Aladdin says trailing off at the end. I scrunch my eyebrows before looking down at my hand.

"Oh these are from when his grandma forcefully wed us but don't worry we actually aren't, that's just ew, here I'll put it on my middle finger." I say replacing the ring onto my middle. He chuckles and says, "you're cute."

My cheeks heat up and I stare at him wide eyed, he's quiet for a few seconds before realization comes onto his face," oh wait wait no not like that, actually ya like that but like you have a funny way with words uh like um....yeah." I start laughing trying to ease his awkwardness and it seems to work, he releases an embarrassed grin and I shake my head.

"Do you think he's dead yet?" I say after a couple of silenced seconds, "nah but I think I'm going to check, he is taking a while." But before he even gets up the door opens and in comes a dusty Maaz with a horrified expression.

"I'm officially scarred for life." He states as he closes the door behind him. He sits down a few feet away from me and I ask, "so what was it."

"Well at first there was nothing but then I saw two monkeys. I was about to come back in when I realized it looked like they were fighting over a banana, I saw another on the ground so I decided to give that to them so they wouldn't kill each other right."

We nod and he continues, "well they weren't fighting over a banana....they were you know." He shivers and for a strange reason Aladdin starts laughing giving Maaz a few thumps on the back, I sit there confused as hell as Aladdin says, "ya I've seen that a couple times here and there, Abu despises it."

"But the next thing I know I'm being attacked by them and as I tried to run back I fell in the sand and that explains why I look like I got puked on by a sandstorm. Oh and Rania, I know you're still confused, they were having sex." He says chuckling at me. I choke on my oxygen at how bluntly he said it and say, "of course I knew that!" They laugh as my cheeks turn red, I try to hide it with death glares at both of them but even I know that doesn't work.

"I think it's time we get to sleep, I'll see what I can do for you two to get back to where you came from in the morning." Aladdin says with a yawn. I scoot back into my corner and try to create as much distance as possible from the two males and monkey.

He blows out two more candles so only one is left and I close my eyes ignoring the uncomfortable feel of my hijab.


When morning comes, my whole body feels a bit stiff from lying in the position I was forced into. Maaz moves a lot in his sleep apparently and I had to dodge many of his kicks, in the end I scooted myself beside the dusty wall and held the urge to stab him with my hijab pin.

Speaking of hijabs, I touched mine and groaned as I felt it all scrabbled and specked with sand and straw. Looking at the two guys I made sure they were still fast asleep before unwrapping it, I held the pin in my mouth as I took my bun out. Quickly rubbing my scalp I sighed in relief as I felt the waves of my dark brown hair roll past my shoulders. As I put it back in a light bun I noticed Maaz was about to sit up. His head turning to look around but before his gaze could reach me my foot shoot straight out and onto his cheek.

He groaned as he fell back onto his makeshift bed but I quickly used the time to re wrap my hijab after batting it free of the dirtiness. Thank god I opted for a dark brown scarf instead of white.

Pushing the pin in, I nudged the shoulder of Maaz with my toe but he didn't even stir. Oh my god. I think I've killed him. I slowly crawl onto the other side to get a clear look at his face, his eyes are closed but his chest is moving which means he's awake. Looking around, I find Abu sleeping on top of Aladdins face but he doesn't seem to be bothered, a bottle of water catches my eye and I quickly go grab it. Pouring some into the small cup I walk back over to Maaz and sit with my feet crossed in front of him.

My tongue sticks out to the side of mouth as I slowly pour the water over his face, he doesn't show any sign of waking up soon so I grab the bottle and pour it into his slightly open mouth. A cough suddenly erupts from him and I grin as he sits up coughing his lung out.

"What the hell Rania?!" He yells at me, his eyes a dark colour that make me wanna run and hide but my ego too big makes me stand there and say, "you were unconscious. I had to wake you up somehow." He scowls and rubs at the water dripping down his chin and onto his white dusted up t-shirt.

As he puts his flannel plaid shirt on he suddenly turns to me and says, "wait, why was I unconscious," my eyes go wide and I quickly try to think of something. "Uh Abu was uh itching his ear and uh fell on top of your head."

Someone please put me a school that can teach me how to lie properly.


Was this a long chapter, it better be it took me like four whole days to write

Anyways I hope you guys liked it, I have some huge tests coming up so I thought I'd put a chapter out there! I think that's all I have nothing to say XD

Oh and question

What do you guys think about Aladdin? ;)

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