In which she hits her psycho mode

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We followed Aladdin down the road as he greeted fellow males with hearty hellos. Their glares turned to smiles as they saw we were with him and I have a feeling that eased Maaz's hard stance down. We also noticed that there were actually a few females here and there, the grandma kind, all huggy and warm, giving us huge smiles. The monkey however was still pouting his beady black eyes right at Maaz which caused him to fidget a lot.

Abu only turned around when Aladdin palmed him some tiny apple pieces. "Monkeys eat apples?" Maaz whispered to me as Aladdin once again started conversation with a wiry looking man who had glasses on but one of the specks was gone. I shrugged, "I guess so, he's scoffing that down like you do to pizza."

Maaz grinned and placed a hand on his heart, "awn you still remember my favourite food, how cute," he said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes, "I only remember 'cuz that's all you whined for when we were younger. But your stomach sure shows those flabs that your dear pizza caused." I say with a smirk as he frowns.

"Is this some way for you to make me show my abs? 'Cuz if it is, I'm sorry Rainy Wainy I don't want you drowning in your own drool once you see these babies." He says with a wink while petting his stomach, I'm about to retort but Aladdin cuts in, "if you two are done flirting I think we should get going." He says with a sneaky smile on his tanned face, the monkey seems to look he's smiling as well but that's probably just my brain.

"Rania here was just begging to see my abs but of course I declined, her brother would kill me for killing her with my amazing body." Maaz states as my face glows red, "Maaz I am so going to kill you." I harshly say breathing heavily through each word, he gulps as he notices my expression and goes and hides behind Aladdin who looks like he's constipated but is probably holding in his laughs. My eyes follow his every movement until I can't take it any longer and I pounce.

The high pitched scream from my mouth comes out as I go all Tarzan mode trying to get to Maaz so I can claw his "pretty face" off. He keeps moving around Aladdin,the opposite side of me as he yells, "OH MY GOD SHES HIT IT! SHES HIT HER PSYCHO MODE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

With that I stand confused as everyone rushes around me, a fat lumpy man stares at me but my face just glares even harder and he stumbles away, when my eyes leave his retreating body I notice two other retreating bodies, one of them carrying a monkey.

A growl rises in my throat as I fix my hijab and start sprinting after them. "YOU JUST WAIT MAAZ, YOU JUST WAIT!" I threaten as he and Aladdin run past the end of the road and through the brown sand, it gets harder to see them once we're past the street lights but due to my incredible legs I'm close enough to see the outlines of their figure and the tail of Abu.

They suddenly stop and I run into a figure, not knowing who; I start punching, the scream of a tiny monkey and the ouches of a deep voice tell me I'm hitting the wrong person. I stop and breathe heavily, trying to regain some energy as Aladdin rubs at his back and shoulders. I whisper a sorry and he grunts, "gosh lady you have great arms but very bad eyesight," I lightly chuckle as he pets Abu trying to calm him down.

Turning my head I glare at the slouched figure of Maaz as he tries to hide into the darkness. "Like I said Maaz. You. Just. Wait." He nods and gulps and I turn back around as Aladdin starts speaking, "please, let's never do that again, that much exercise is sure to ruin our bodies," I chuckle lightly as Maaz says, "so where's your place?"

Aladdin is silent for a few seconds before saying, "follow me my younglings." This time the monkey is glaring right at me instead of Maaz and of course it's him chuckling this time but a kick to the shin shuts him up. The stars lighten the way as Aladdin leads us to what looks like nowhere, the soft sand falls into my sneakers and I frown at the state my socks will be in after. He finally stops at a huge boulder with a large dried up tree right beside it, I squint at it as Aladdin grins proudly.

"I call the rock." Maaz says but Aladdin just chuckles, "oh no my friend," he walks around to the other side of the natural objects and towards a large plank of wood, "this is it." He lifts the wood up and a soft yellow light flows from within a small wooden ladder is placed down to the bunker and he gestures for one of us to go in first. I push Maaz in front of me and he rolls his eyes before lowering himself into the hole and down the ladder.

"Woah," he voice comes up in awe and I quickly go down the ladder myself. Looking around my mouth forms an 'O' as I look around, there was space but not too much and not too little, everything was made of wood and a few blankets were thrown over what looked like furniture. Big wooden poles were holding this amazing structure up and I noticed the small things like a tiny mirror in the corner with a hair comb handing by a string from it. The dim lights were coming from candles surrounding the whole premises. The cool part was that they were the reusable ones, the ones where the wax melts and makes another candle.

Aladdin lowers himself in as Abu settles himself onto a tiny cot at the end of what looks like a bed, it seemed like a pile of sand with a cover over it and a small blanket messily thrown over it.

"Well? What do you think?" Aladdin says with his bright smile as he raises his arms gesturing around, "mate, this is amazing, did you make everything?" Maaz asks sitting down on the wooden sofa, it looked uncomfortable but he seemed to like it. "Yupp with the help of Abu of course," he says fondly petting his monkey, "I have a lot of blankets since this one guy on that road loves to knit, the place beside my bed is very soft so you two can make yourself comfortable there, oh and are you hungry?"

I'm about to say no but my stomach decides it the right time to sound like a whale, they both laugh as I blush profusely and Aladdin says, "i'll take that as a yes," he walks towards the side where a tall box, like a refrigerator, stands, pulling out three wrapped up sandwiches he tosses us each one. "Bona petit!" I place my backpack beside Maaz's as we grab the sandwiches from him.

I examine mine first but dig in when my stomach grumbles more, "where'd you get these from?" I ask once we all finish and are sitting in our assigned spots. "Restaurant on that road with the tomato looking lady." Is his reply as we settle in. I get the corner while Maaz is in the middle and Aladdin on his bed, on the left. "We still have time, any one up for some ghost stories?" He says leaning against his makeshift pillow as Abu snores gently in his cot at his feet.

"Maaz will probably get too scared and pee his pants off." I say causing Maaz to scoff at me, "I will not, in fact it'll be the complete opposite."

"But isn't that what you did the least time you heard a ghost story?" I ask innocently as he blushes and stumbles over his words. "Alright you two no more bickering," Aladdin cuts in, "I got a really great one." With that he smirks and look us both in the eye.


Someone please tell me a ghost story I could share in the next chappie, please and thank you :)

Oh and I won't read em if it's night time here, if I did, I'm sorry but I'll probably be dead and no more TJWTDH (<so long lol)

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