In which Maaz uses his abs

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Uggghhhhhh how do I start this chapter off??
Honestly who told me to write books, being a writer is hard, I'm done with this...

Just imagine up what happens next and finish the story for yourself by yourself, okay? Okay. :)

Bye guys *waves and rides off on a unicorn*

The end :)


*after the author cools down and drinks two litres of mango juice- wait shit she's fasting- scratch that she just takes deep breaths and types out a whole jumble of words*


Maaz's pov

I drink the last of the water in the bottle and crush it in my hands before stuffing it down into the depths of my backpack.

I'm sleep deprived. That's all I know, Rania fell asleep again (for probably the millionth time that day) and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't close my eyes and fall asleep.

Sighing I run a hand through my hair and look over at her, chuckling slightly at the cute way she's snoring.

I slap myself on the cheek, I'm way more than sleep deprived, did I honestly just think her snoring was cute?

Yeah. And are you honestly talking to yourself again?

Shut up.

No you shut up.

NO, you shut up!

(No this author needs to shut up and get on with the story)

Shaking my head, I try to get rid of the craziness going on in my head and focus on making a plan for if we do end up getting lost again.

Which I doubt, I'm never wrong. I wasn't the one who got us lost in the first place, actually to come to think of it, why was I scared of that driver in the truck anyways? Excluding the thick red beard and the many piercings upon his face and not to mention the word 'death' above his eyebrow....he could have been getting out of the truck to give us cookies for all I knew.

"Do you have gum?" A soft voice says and I look towards Rania who's rubbing her eyes and stretching, not getting far before one leg kicks me and the other dives into some mangos.

"You're gum." I childishly say leaning my head back against the truck, I feel her eyes rolling and smirk knowing just two words got her irritated.

"Do I look like gum to you? Now answer the question dipwad," she says using her scary tone, I long grew out of it thought and now whenever she uses it I can't help but grin instead of shrinking like back in the good 'ol days.

"You do sort of resemble it, the ones you find under a desk or chair..." I say and smile when she lets out a breath of anger.

"You are impeccable." She says throwing a mango at me, I catch it an give her a smirk.

"And you my friend are contemptible." I say rolling the word out fluently.

"Oh yeah? are hangdog!"

I sit up and raise an eyebrow at her, letting a few seconds go by, she doesn't back down and I say, "I'm guilty?"

A look washes over her and she mumbles, "oh so that's why that means.." to herself and I chuckle. "Yeah, you're guilty of being an idiot!"

I roll my eyes saying, "how am I an idiot, while you were drunk off your own body I was the one figuring how to get us out of this mess." I say with a bit of a tone.

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