In which theres Aladdin, but no genie

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"Can we stop now," I groan hiking my bag farther up my aching shoulder, Maaz sighs while weakly kicking a small rock to the side, "you've asked that fifty times Rainy, shut up."

"Uh rude." I scoff shaking my head tauntingly.

"Says you." He grumbles, I roll my eyes and say, "this is still all your fault."

"Your birth was a fault." He says turning to me with a smirk, I squint my eyebrows at his ugly face and cross my arms against my chest, "your sperm was a fault."

"The fault in our stars." He mumbles and I laugh, "what? Where'd that come from."

He stops in his tracks and turns around before pointing up at the sky, I look up and squint at the dark sky taking in n all the bright balls of dust. "I don't see anything."

Maaz comes closer and while I'm still searching he roughly turns my head in the direction he wants me to look, I glare at him and say, "watch the neck will ya its fragile," he rolls his eyes with a smile before saying, "not sorry. But look right there, see those three stars that are aligned slightly straight," I nod and he continues, "well that's supposed to be the Big Dipper, you can tell because the first star at the top is the North Star. But there's no dip there should be like three more stars, so there actually is a fault in our stars." He grins looking at for an expression on my face, I take it all in before saying, "cool. Now let's go I'm hungry."

He pouts before saying, "gosh," and starting to walk again. I roll my eyes and laugh slightly at his grumpy attitude before following his back. After about five more minutes of walking and five more minutes of his rambling about stars I spot a road with street lights.

"So when the carbon is all absorbed the star--"

"Maaz! Maaz! Shut up and look! Do you see that?!" He looks in the direction I was looking but instead of being happy he gets a strange frown on his face, "I don't know Rainy, it looks kind fishy."

"Your face looks fishy, but come on it's not like there's like gangs or mafias that rape flowers or something there. My feet are killing me." I whine out.

"Is that even possible?" He says taking a swig of water from the bottle we bought back at the store. "Of course it can! My feet have a right to be tired after walking fifty miles!" I exaggerate raising my hands in the air.

"No you dumb sock, I meant the mafia flower part." He says recapping the bottle, I shrug and say, "I don't know anything possible if you believe and try your hardest."

"Yeah I bet they try reaaal hard." He says stretching the 'real' out." I groan and sit down right into the sand like a little kid.

He sighs and looks down at me before saying, "fine let's go but if they decide that they wanna do bad stuff to you I'll be in the corner trying to hide myself."

"Wow so manly." I grumble before getting up and walking towards the small, very small town. As we get closer, I decide you can't even call this place a town, it's basically one long street with small stores on the side, like from the movie Cars.

"Uh Rania." Maaz says as we get more closer, "why are they all men?" I look at the people and to my surprise Maaz is actually right, they're all men with big moustaches and dark clothes.

"Maybe they're all gay." I say and he chuckles, "but I think it's too late to turn back now they've spotted us." I loudly whisper as two or three men turn to us with big hairy glares on their face, I nod and smile as we trudge down the dusty path out up by the street lamps. Maaz looks like he's about to cry so I decide to quickly ask for a motel.

I turn to a man who has white hair but a black beard and hesitantly ask, "uh is there maybe a like a motel or something around here?" Maaz is still frozen next to me as the man looks him up and down before saying in a very gruff voice, "there's a prostitute house two stores down from here."

I hear Maaz mutter Astaghfiruallah and I shake my head fast , "uh ok thanks but no motels?" I laugh but it comes out like a dying seal and he scowls at me, "are you laughing at me?" He says and straightens up from the beam he was leaning on, his full height makes me want to run away screaming but one of us has to be the man here and since Maaz is on the verge of puking I stutter out, "o-oh no sir I uh was j-use you know uh.."

He raises his fist as if he's going to clobber us and I close my eyes as Maaz sucks in a harsh breath and squeaks. But before anything can happen I hear a young mans voice speak out, his accent sounds ancient and thick, "woah Gilbert whatchu doing there!"

Opening my eyes I spot the back of a males head, his hairs thick black and reaches his tan neck, he's wearing a light dusted up flannel over a white t-shirt and has a small monkey resting by his feet?

I scooch back a bit as the monkey turns his head to us and looks as if he's judging us of worthiness. "Did you forget to take your pills again? Gosh Gil I even laid them out for you, now go on, we don't want you to start raging again do we?" The guy says trying lowering the giants huge fist down. Gilbert looks as if he's in a trance before walking down the road and into a small wooden house.

The guy turns around with a huge grin on his face, his eyes are dark brown and he has better eyebrows then most girls I've ever seen. He snaps his fingers in front of Asher's (OMG I mean Maaz but Asher just came out oh how I miss them) Maaz's face and says, "wake up pretty boy he's gone."

Maaz shakes his head and takes the guys outstretched hand for a shake, "the names Aladdin, no I will not take you on a magic carpet ride and no I don't have a genie, now who are you squagglings?" He says still with that huge grin on his face.

"My names Rania, this is Maaz and we are lost." He looks at me and a sort of twinkle passes through his eyes, "ah, blunt and to the point I see, how'd you two get lost if you don't mind me asking?" He asks as he lifts up the tiny monkey and places him on his shoulder, I notice that the monkey even has his own vest.

"Our car ran out of gas, then it tumbled into a ditch and is probably sinking into the sand by now. Can you please tell your monkey to stop staring at me." Maaz says looking back at the monkey who indeed is deeply looking into his soul.

Aladdin laughs and says, "oh who Abu? He won't hurt ya. So were you two like heading anywhere or just out for a lovely romantic car ride."

I make a gagging motion as Maaz says 'ew'. "No ugh I'm supposed to be at a wedding right now and he was forced by his mother into driving me."

Aladdin nods as if he understand our situation before saying, "so do you guys need a place to stay the night for?" Maaz and I both nod, and his grin comes back on. "Well let's go young ones you can stay in my humble abode."

With that he walks off with his arms raised to his side ushering us to follow, me and Maaz give each other a look before following the strange man with a monkey perched on his shoulders...who's still in fact glaring at Maaz.


No I didn't die.....


But anywho how'd you like the new character?

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