In which Maaz pulls a Shahrukh Khan

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Rania's pov

"Wait but you don't understand!" I plead to the red headed driver who continues to spit out jibberish and regain as many mangos as he can.

"What I understand is that you have made me loose more then thirty mangos! I have been nice to you and and in return I get this, now get out of my truck!" He says with a demanding tone. I gulp and follow after Maaz who is chuckling to himself.

The driver had stopped the truck which made me go flying into Maaz and right as I was about to get up, the driver started spitting out nonsense. On how the back of his mango truck was now contaminated with our 'sex freak germs' and how all his mangos were now dead.

Maaz had chuckled while I blushed profusely, I wasn't even touching him! How did he think we were doing that when I wasn't even touching him!

"Goodbye." He says hardly right in both of our faces forcing me to take a step back. I open my mouth to say or beg for a ride back to the intersection four but he jumps back into the truck before I can get a single word out.

The wheels turn hard on his truck as he drives away and the dirt flies up taking over my breathing space. I cough my lungs out and wave at the air watching the truck drive farther away.

I wanna cry.

I want to sit in a corner and cry.

"Sex freaks." Maaz says with a chuckle.

"My mangos are now sex contaminated!" He bursts out laughing and I can't help but growl at his childishness.

"Shut up." I say without turning back to look at him.

"He thought we were sex freaks." He continues while laughing in between hysterically.

"Shut your mouth." I say turning around and glaring at him.

"You like my mouth." He says smirking and making kissy faces.

I growl, feeling like a tiger, and turn back around stomping away.

"Hey where you going? I think it's Maghreb time, we should pray." He calls after me.

"I'm going far away from you, that's where I'm going!" I reply walking a good ten meters or so away from him.

I can still see his smirk from all the way here as he yells, "okay but don't forget to pray!"

"What are you? My mother?!" I yell back with a hint of annoyance. If my duaa's were answered from before I would be all happy and snug at home right now. My patience is low and that's a terrible thing but I just can't help but sigh in annoyance right now.

"No. I'm your father." He says winking, and I make a puking gesture, "that doesn't even make sense you idiot!"

He ignores me while smirking and turns around using a quarter of his water from his water bottle to make wudu. I roll my eyes as he lays his shirt in front of him and begins praying.

"Father my butt." I whisper to myself before making my own wudu and starting my own prayer. In the end I'm not satisfied with how grumpy and annoyed I was throughout but I let it be and begin to dig out a snack bar from my bag.

Maaz is doing the same in his backpack ten meters away from me and occasionally has a small smile playing in his face. Seeing him do that make me scowl more and I eat at my bar hardly.

"How you doing over there Rainy?" He calls out cheekily after we've both finished our food.

I roll my eyes and say, "I'd be doing better if you let me think about how we're going to get home without disturbing me."

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