In which Maaz freaks the freak

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A few months later

"Here is the little munchkin and those are its hands," I squeeze Maaz's hand as the Dr. moves the wand around over my stomach, the quality was hard to see on the screen but a clear form of a little human could be seen, "everything seems to be healthy here but oh my would you look at that." She says with a smile on her face before reaching up and pointing to another form of light lines.

"Here's another head," she says with a smile and a few tears erupt in my eye as Maaz says, "wait what, it has two heads??"

I slap him on the shoulder gently and say, "no you idiot, there's two babies which means we're having twins!" I gasp out with a huge grin on my face, his face goes from confusion to joy in a few milliseconds as the doctor chuckles besides us.

"Oh look here's three more heads!" The doctor exclaims and Maaz gasps, "no no no I don't think we can handle that, Rania suck them back in or something!"

I share a look with the doctor and we both start laughing like crazy as Maaz hyperventilates. "No Maaz calm down she was just kidding," I say pushing his hair back from his face and giving him a light kiss on the cheek, he looks towards the doctor and waves a finger in her face, "that's not funny." We both chuckle again before she turns back to the screen.

"Would you like to know their genders?" She asks with a smile on her face, I turn my head towards Maaz and he gives me a shrug, "it'll be fun if it's a surprise but I think it'll be wiser to know their genders." I nod agreeing with him and the doctor smiles again.

"Well this one on the left is a boy--" she's cut off as Maaz suddenly jumps up and fist pumps the air screaming 'yes'! I glare at him and he mumbles a sorry before gesturing for the doctor to continue. "And this one is...a girl!" Now it's my turn to fist pump but Maaz nonetheless grins as he places a kiss on my forehead while whispering, "Alhamdulillah."

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs. (Did I ever even give Maaz a last name wth!? I'm no fit to be an author *sigh* just pretend  it's your last names in here or something)  you will soon be expecting two healthy babies." She shakes our hands before cleaning up my stomach and putting away the machine.

Maaz helps me up and I am about to bend down to put my shoes on when he suddenly pushes me back up by the shoulders and says, "how many times have I told you not to bend! Do you want our babies to come out looking half bent huh do you!?"

The doctor laughs as I pat his cheek lovingly, "sorry sorry, go on put my shoes on then." He gets down and does the job before getting up and grinning. We thank the doctor again before making our way out and towards Maaz's father's house to tell everyone the news.


A few more months later (seriously don't know how this whole thing works all I know is that it takes nine months XD)

"Rainy come on its going to start soon!" Maaz yells from the balcony, "I'm coming I'm coming hold your horses!" I yell back as I grab the bowl of snacks and wrap an arm around my ginormous stomach. Carrying babies is harder than I expected, and since there is two of them in there I feel like an inflated hot air balloon.

About three weeks ago they started kicking and when one of them stops the other begins, I dislike it but whenever it happens Maaz comes running from out of nowhere and glues his ear to my stomach.

The due date is in about two days, and no signs have been made yet but I already made a hospital bag just in case and it stays resting right beside the door. "Rainnyyyyy!!" Maaz whines again and I roll my eyes slowly walking across the living room towards the balcony doors. Maaz was still into outer space and apparently there was going to be a shooting star show or something today he wouldn't stop talking about it all day.

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