In which he licks his elbow

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Raina's pov

"I swear it's true!" Maaz says as he continues driving down the street. I roll my eyes once again and lean against the window.

"You cannot lick your elbow for the hundredth time, it's just not possible for anyone." He grunts and before I know it we're at the side of the road infront of a convenience store.

"Seriously Maaz?" I groan as he turns in his seat towards me and lifts his shirts sleeve up. I glare as he raises his eyebrows up and down and flexes his muscles. "Now watch."

Sighing I lean back in my seat and keep my eyes trained on him, he looks up and makes sure I'm looking before pulling his elbow up and somehow managing to give it a lick with his tongue.

"Holy shiz. How the hell did you do that?" I ask in awe as he pulls his sleeve back down, "skills Rainy skills. Now I'm going to go buy some snacks for the road, want anything special?"

I squint at him and ask, "did you really just ask that?" He pauses before shaking his head, "yeah..weird, I'm not getting you anything." With that he gets out of the car and closes the door after him.

I huff and open my own door grabbing my hand bag from the side before following him. He suddenly stops and I pace myself watching as he turns to the side of the small store. Looking to where he's intrigued I find a homeless man asleep. My face falls looking at the fragile old man in a thin blanket.

Maaz goes into the store without doing anything and I feel my frown deepen, shaking my head I scrounge through my purse for any spare dollars.

Finding a few crumpled bills I pull them out and straighten them up a bit, I walk in the direction of the man but am stopped when Maaz's huge body comes in view. He kneels down and I watch curiously as he places a bag beside the man. Leaning over I look in and find a bunch of food and water plus some t-shirts. Maaz gently places some bills into the palm of the sleeping hand and I nudge his shoulder pushing my bills across. He nods and places them too.

We slowly walk backwards and into the store, Maaz ignores my looks and hums to himself walking down the aisles. "Would you stop staring at me it's starting to get creepy....actually to come to think of it you're always creepy." I punch his shoulder lightly as he grabs a lot of junk food.

"Yeah and you're gonna turn fat eating all that." I grumble, as he places the items infront of the cashier. The young blonde male widens his eyes at the amount of stuff and slowly starts checking them out.

"This smexy body never gets fat." He says smirking and running a hand over his chest and stomach. I make a gagging gesture and he rolls his eyes.

"That'll be $23.90 please." The blondie says giving us a smile. Maaz pulls out a twenty dollar bill before patting his jeans. "Uh Rania do you have three dollars and ninety cents?"

"Put the skittles back, you get hyper when you eat lots of candy." I state crossing my arms across my chest. He sucks on his top lip and is about to say something when the blondie says, "it's alright man I'll make it on the house, I saw what you did for that man," nodding his head towards the door.

Maaz raises his eyebrows and grins saying a thanks, I help him with his stuff and we walk back to the car. He plops on some sunglasses that frame his face and puts all the stuff into a spare backpack that was lying in the back.

"So tell me something cool." Maaz says as we drive towards the highway.

"Something cool," I reply monotonously, from the corner of my eye I see him scowl and smirk a bit. "If you wanna go on this long ass ride and not die of boredom then you better start socializing."

"Fine. But cool what?" I say leaning up in my seat, already tired of sitting in a compacted space. I was never a fan of car rides and am still not.

"I dunno, a funny thing-"

I cut him off saying, "your face is a funny thing."

He sighs and glares at me for a second before turning his head back to the road and saying, "not as funnier as yours."

"That's all that you could come up with?" I say smirking and he rolls his eyes, "if I said anything worse I would have a raging Rania and raging Ranias are worse then elephants who see a mouse."

This time it's my turn to roll my eyes, "alright...when I was around the age of six my cousin cut a clump of my hair so I stabbed him with the scissors and he had to get stitches in his arm." I state with no hint of emotion on my face.

"Holy mother of peacocks....." He mumbles with his eyes wide and strained ahead. I try to hold in my laugh but it bursts out and soon I'm crying of laughter clutching onto my stomach.

"Oh..M-my god! I can't believe you actually believed that!" I gasp out after wiping my tears away. His face is morphed into confusion but it soons reforms when he realizes I was lying.

"Idiot. I swear I was gonna throw you out of the car." He says with his face flushed, either embarrassed or angry. I shake my head still giggling. "You don't have the guts to throw me out of the car."

"Yeah I do."

"No, no you don't."

"Yes, yes I do."

"What were you going to tell your mom?"

"That she made me drive a scissor stabbing psychopath and the only reasonable thing to do was throw her out the car."

"Lies, you would've felt bad and came back two seconds later." I say crossing my arms against my chest.

"No I would've ran you over." He says and I turn my head towards him with one of my eyebrow raised.

I don't say anything but just watch as he fidgets under my gaze, "alright fine I wouldn't have ran you over."

"There you go." I say smiling and turn back to face the now empty road in front of us, an intersection comes up with one going left and one going right, "do you know the way."

"No what do I look like to you? A GPS? Get the map out of the compartment there." He says nodding his head towards the the latch in front of me.

I pull the map out as Maaz stops at the intersection, a truck stops behind us and I quickly try to fix the map out. "Ok find Northerm now, left or right?" Maaz says causally leaning closer to look at the map. "It's upside down you idiot." He says turning it around, I flick his forehead and start searching the map. The truck behind us starts honking unpatiently as I drag my pointer finger across the map looking for the stupid place.

"Hurry! Oh frick he's getting out of the truck, Rania which way?!" Maaz says exasperated looking in the rearview mirror where a bulky huge man is coming towards our car.

I squint at the map as Maaz wheezes again and without thinking I shout, "left! Go left!"


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