In which the journey begins

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If you know the real band you'll find that pic funny 😂 now onto the story!!!

Rania's pov

I finally stop hitting my head against the wall after about a hundred times and sigh. God damn me why the hell did I not wake up, I pick up my phone and notice the many messages from Laith.

Laith: are you awake?
Laith: Rania?!
Laith: I swear you better be awake!
Laith: F U! I told you to wake up on time! Little turd, now just come to the wedding, better be here for the reception Rania or I'm not letting a single hair go tomorrow!

I throw my phone at my bed and wince as it falls off with a thud, hesitantly walking over I peak around the side and and the tiniest of a tear rises into my eye as I look at the shattered screen.

I pick it up and curse myself for not getting carpeting when Laith suggested it, I press the on button and sigh with relief as it turns on.

I go to my contacts and press on my friend Maya's name, sitting onto my bed I wait for her to pick up and when her voice groans through I grin, "hey Maya I need a favour."

"If that favour includes helping you jump off a two story building then I'm in, it's freakin 11 o clock Rania, you know how much I hate mornings." I roll my eyes with a smile as she grumbles this out.

"Yeah well I didn't wanna be up, but we're wasting time woman I need help and ASAP!" I yell agitated into the phone pushing the damn comforter off my head.

"Alright alright geezus what is it?" I run a hand rough my hair before blurting out, "I need you to drive me to a wedding in Northam...."

"Northam? That's like two hours away plus it's so close to the dessert, you know how much desserts creep me out. Oh and before I start my blabbering of the evil depths of the desserts lemme just tell ya I don't have the car mate, now back to de--"

"Wait what you don't have the car? Ugh fudgin porcupines in a pothole. K bye." With that I slam the the off button on my phone and smash it onto my bed.

I hear a crack and look at it, god dang it, it cracked even more. Sighing I walk around my room thinking of other people to call but little old me remembers that I don't have any other friends and am a complete and utter loner.

I quickly change and wrap a light hijab around my head, getting an idea. Grabbing my hand bag I walk down stairs and place my suitcase in the doorway. I pack up my hand bag with two water bottles and some snacks.

Hot, ugly, useful, ugly bus here I come.

I roll my suitcase out the door and lock it behind me, grabbing the bus route map I notice the bus will come in about fifteen minutes, thankfully the bus stop is right beside our house...across from Maaz's, oh jolly.

I slump onto the small bench and sigh. Stupid brothers. Stupid friends. Stupid ladybug camping on my shoe. Stu-- "RANIA! RANIA HABIBTI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

I look up noticing Maaz's mum waving frantically at me with a huge grin on her tiny plump face. I stand up and roll my suitcase with me, "IM GOING SOMEWHERE AUNTY." I yell back across the road.

She slaps her forehead and shakes her head at me exasperated, "WELL WHEREVER YOU'RE GOING YOU DONT NEED TO TAKE THE BUS ILL GET ONE OF THE TRIPLETS TO TAKE YOU!"

I don't even see it coming, one minute she's across the road and the next I'm getting dragged into her house with the little ladybug still on my shoe. She pats my forhead and pushes me onto the sofa, "now sit tight habibti I'll go call one of them."


"No bubbles, or buts, or whatever starts with 'bu' just sit here." She waddles off and I sit back into the plush sofa noticing how clean the house is even with three daughters, and one devil.

A Journey with the Devil HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now